What do you think of this short poem?

Hello.. :)

The Bird’s Needs Met

As I look up into the clear blue sky
I cannot help but wonder why

The birds soar with their wings in the air
They seem to go day to day without a care

Then I read the scripture where God meets all the birds’ needs
Yes, our Lord feeds the fowls, just as He does me

Should we not take a lesson from our flying friends
That God will meet all our needs until the end

((((((( HUGS )))))))

In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

Duchess of Cookieshire2009-03-25T20:52:22Z

Favorite Answer

It's beautiful.

I love the rhyme scheme.




((Hugs)) back to ya

THE UK WILDCAT FAMILY 102009-03-26T12:52:30Z

I love it... (((hugs)))