Tried pot yesterday and already feel slightly reliant on it?

I'm 14 and I hang out with some people that smoke pot but not major stoners. I never thought I would really try it but then once some of my close friends started trying it I thought it couldn't be too bad. I tried it yesterday with my friend and 2 other people came afterwards. It was a lot of fun and it made me feel great. I'm usually at home having nothing really to do until someone asks me to hang out or something I do sometimes. I'm not very outgoing, as in trying to hang out a lot. So now being back at home, sitting around, I feel like everything is 10x more boring and I feel like I really wanna smoke again. What should I do? I'm pretty sure I will do it again but I don't want to do it all the time, like space it out? Any advice?


Favorite Answer

your not 'reliant' on it.
just bored.

and what that guy said, moderation is the key.


Uh... first of all you shouldn't have dont it in the first place ( they are not close FRIENDS because friends wouldnt pressure you to do something harmful to your body and mind!) So if you havent really gotten my message...dont do it again! It will become a habit that you will go crazy without!


you gotta find something to do when your home. or else you will be thinking of pot all the time.

Justin Case2009-03-26T15:22:07Z

All things in moderation. ALL THINGS.