Why does Obama talk like this about American Jobs?

Obama spent a few minutes at his town hall last week talking about how American no longer needs "the lower paid jobs" and that they were better of in China or in 3rd world countries. I'm sorry I just can not support this at all because not every person straight out of school is ready for a nice 100K job on day one. I have spent many years working with these kids and others whom are just joining the work force.
I think our leadership over the last 20 years has been more than happy to trade "entry level" American jobs for some problematical pat on the back. If Obama wanted to effect Change he would put a stop it the practice and bring back the part of American that gave our youths the chance to "Earn While they Learned". The gangs on the streets still practice this and drive many of our young into a life of crime as it becomes the path of life they get set off on.
When it comes to the labor force this country needs every rung in the ladder of success. Obama's vision of only high paying good American Union jobs also calls for the $20 single egg and that will not make the well paid feel very rich in the long run.


crinkleberry8, My wife keeps trying to get me to watch that vid also.


Favorite Answer

Someone has to make the french fries. Obama doesn't understand that because he's never had a real job in his life. He's always been a street agitator and politician.


Typical politian mentality: they have absolutely no clue about these "lower rung" jobs simply because they have never had to do them or live on the wages from them. They are all Elitists, and dont seem to understand that the backbone of any country's economy is built on lower-middle class. We can't all be rich- it's a mathematical impossibility.


He talks this way because he is a socialist. He believes everyone should make the same amount of money whether they are a janitor or a brain surgeon. He gives this away by his talk of "spreading the wealth", and his numerous social programs that take from people who work hard and give it to the leeches.

338 edge2009-03-29T23:43:05Z

Obama knows he won't be able to bring jobs back to the US. He is just trying to divert attention from the fact that he criticized Bush for not bringing jobs back from overseas.

Lost Prophecy2009-03-29T23:46:51Z

If Obama gets ride of the low paying jobs, who will take his order at KFC?


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