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bad news asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is it time for John McCain to smear Obama with Bill Ayers and Rev Wright or should he talk about jobs?

Maybe John McCain should smear Obama.

Because John McCain does seem erratic and insecure on the economy.

You would think a Senator with 26 years experience would be the expert on the economy. But he's not. So like the big kid that isn't as smart as the other kids John McCain has become the bully.

So brace yourselves America for you are about to see John McCain show Obama as an Anti-American. The black man you can't trust. A man who doesn't love his country.

So screw the economy.

Screw Americans loosing their homes.

And Screw Americans loosing their jobs.

What happended to you John McCain? You use to be someone America could trust.

Speak truth to power.

Mr. News

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i don't think "smear" is a fair term. smear implies artificial data used to bring someone down. the media has given obama a pass on many questionable historical reports. perhaps it's a good thing, since it appears obama is winning this election, that the people know the whole truth about their next president BEFORE he takes office?

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain is from a time when racism destroyed a politician's career. If Obama was white and had associations with a racist church, his political career would be over. I'm sure he can't understand people tolerating this in any way shape or form. Not because he's a bigot, but because of history. Is it wrong to expect the same standards?

    We are in a war on terror so some people see the Ayers connection as relevant to their lives and the current conditions being faced by our country as well as the fact that Obama is an Arab with an Arabic name. I don't believe that he is a Muslim but these are things older people consider as being possibly relevant. Older people often are not as trusting as young people. Call it a generation gap, call it life experience. Call it bigotry. I don't care what you call it. People can't help how they feel. You want to call that concern a smear and hateful while some people sit around and wonder why people no longer care about their country. I call it healthy skepticism.

    Some people realize that horrendous events have occured in history due to leaders who claim to have all the answers and who will make their lives so much better but in the end turned out to be monsters. Look at how Chavez fooled the people and was prepared to become their lifelong dictator after he was elected. Those are facts. How does Obama answer people's scepticism? Does he address it in any credible manner or does he just act like the bigots are trying to smear him? We all know the answer to that.

    Perhaps you should consider the fact that the democrats have collapsed not only our economy, but that of all the countries who have invested in the US so that poor people could buy a home with no income. I'm afraid that does not make me like them. Its pretty easy to be generous with someone else's money. They are still blaming Bush and playing the heroes. I can hardly believe any of this. The goverment is apparently ending the great experiment and decided that a free society does not work well with globalization. Go ahead and be a citizen of the world. See how your life goes down the tubes real fast. And the rest of the world will go down with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    they are already at it when Obama told O'Reilly when he was on there that he knows thousands of people. Obama is an energetic guy with lots of friends & anyone out there knows if you are not holding back you have some bad apples in the people you know..No one ever asks this kinds of questions to McCain. We not only don't know WHO he has bought land from we don't know how many houses he has really bought since the mortgage crisis.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's time we told the truth out in the open about how McCain is a one of the architects of the current meltdown.

    McCain involved in the collapse of 747 Savings and Loans (Sound familiar? See a pattern here?)

    McCain Campaign manager #1 Freddy Mac lobbiest

    In 1999, John McCain's former financial adviser Phil Gramm was responsible for unwinding the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which allowed all of America's 401K money to be lost in the sub Prime mortage meltdown.

    Deregulator McCain

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There isn't much about Obama to go on with the exception of his past. He hasn't done anything. If you are afraid of the truth about his past and the questionable Rev. Wright, then you don't belong in politics. I can get past the anti-American remarks better than his association with Bill Ayres. Known terrorist. Known Anti-American. If the shoe fits.....

  • 1 decade ago

    John McCain needs to blast the total heck out of Obama. He needs to expose his radicalism already. It is time! Both he and Palin need go heavy on him. IT IS TIME!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Truth will be spoken to power on November the fourth and the republican control of America will mercifully end.

    I agree totally, the attack dogs, the innuendo machine, the half truths, the blatant lies, all will be spilling forth from the republicans. It will only add to their demise.

    Obama by a landslide and it's why we're going to see all the negativity from the republicans, they realize it too.

  • 1 decade ago

    The GOP are going back to silly politics like Rev Wright Ayers and Acorn at a time when Americans are losing their jobs and homes and were headed for a deep Recession ,it's a strategy that will finally put the nail in McCain coffin .

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its time we find out why John McCAin took 10 separate pleasure trips while he was in congress to the economic terrorist Charles Keating's private island resort in the Bahamas...and why McCain only got a reprimand for his role in the Savings and Loan Scandal that cost tax payers billions of dollars and thousands of pensioneers to lose their retirement nest eggs.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Point out facts and it's now called smears. I would not vote for either of the sellouts. How stupid will you feel after January, when they tell you the bailout is going to cost more?

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