I have this rash underneath my breasts, does anyone know what will stop the itching and clear the rash?
I've had this before . . . when I had health insurance. That is no longer the case. Because my breast are large and sag a little, as is often the case in women my age with large breasts (age 45 and overweight) -- when it gets a big humid or hot, I get a type of heat rash which doesn't clear very fast.
It itches like crazy and spreads more and more when I wear my bra (which I need when out in public) -- I've been putting "anti-itch cream" on it and sometimes "neopsorin".
Anyone know anything quicker, better to get it to clear, stop itching so much . . ?
Wow, the typos! It is both breasts (under them), one worse than the other, as one sits a little lower.
You know, I may have answered my own question. Someone told me to buy cream for baby diaper rash . . . which often works on these sorts of things. Anyone else have any other ideas for me?