I have this rash underneath my breasts, does anyone know what will stop the itching and clear the rash?

I've had this before . . . when I had health insurance. That is no longer the case. Because my breast are large and sag a little, as is often the case in women my age with large breasts (age 45 and overweight) -- when it gets a big humid or hot, I get a type of heat rash which doesn't clear very fast.

It itches like crazy and spreads more and more when I wear my bra (which I need when out in public) -- I've been putting "anti-itch cream" on it and sometimes "neopsorin".

Anyone know anything quicker, better to get it to clear, stop itching so much . . ?


Wow, the typos! It is both breasts (under them), one worse than the other, as one sits a little lower.


You know, I may have answered my own question. Someone told me to buy cream for baby diaper rash . . . which often works on these sorts of things. Anyone else have any other ideas for me?


Favorite Answer

Diaper rash cream works.
You can also try antifungal sprays or creams (think of things for atheletes foot, jock itch, etc.)

Wether any of these work really depends on the type of bacteria/fungi/yeast that is inhabiting that area and causing problems.

Use alcohol or listerine mouthwash to clean the area before applying any type of ointment.




Tea tree oil will help to dry it out. Also, lavender oil is really good for skin irritations. Instead of scratching, put a cool cloth over it that doesn't work for a long period of time but it helps. You can take a bath in oatmeal to relive itchy ness and make sure you keep it clean if you've scratched it really hard. Allegra now has a cream you can apply. Being itchy is the worst but this should help you.

Amanda G2009-04-01T08:07:47Z

my mother and my aunt, both over the age of 45 and over weight have had this typr of rash. they went to the doc and got a special type of cream. but im sure it could be looked up on google, or you could go to a pharmacy and look around there for creams. like a soothing cream.


Try using Chafing Relief Powder Gel by Monistat. I use this.