Why are the Right fixating on Obama's gift to Queen Elizabeth but ignoring the GOP's attempt at a budget?

"President Barack Obama's gift of an iPod to Queen Elizabeth II came loaded with 40 songs from popular Broadway productions, including "The King and I," "West Side Story" and "Dreamgirls." The iPod was given to accompany a rare coffee table book of songs by composers Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, which Obama also gave the queen."



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Because they don't feel they should have to explain the bogus about families paying $3,100 a year on energy taxes. The truth is that the average American family would pay about 1/145 of that. Now, if you had a hundred kids, then it might be a problem, but not even Octomom has that many.

Yet another GOP scare tactic designed to woo voters.


The GOP has no budget. What they have is a blue print to disaster and more tax cuts for the rich. None for the rest of us. Business gets more tax breaks and the oil companies get more money.

I wonder if they will steal $2.7 Billion from the Social Security Trust Fund again this year, and then tell us how bad Social Security is?

No one from the right ever said one word about any gift EVER given by Bush. He wasa certainly willing to spend your money. "President and Mrs. Bush gave Her Majesty a bronze statuette “High Desert Princess” with a personal inscription on the bottom of the base. It is a replica of the original life size statue that is located in front of the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in Ft. Worth, Texas.

President and Mrs. Bush gave The Prince Philip an exclusive sterling silver eagle box by Tiffany & Co. with personal inscription on the inside lid.

"President and Mrs. Bush gave Their Majesties a leather presentation box filled with a collection of documents from the National Archives. One of the items was a copy of an original letter from President Roosevelt to her father, King George, written in 1938. There were also photos from previous royal visits and a DVD of the footage from the Queen’s visit to the United States when she was Princess Elizabeth in 1951." BBC

However we don't want the right -wingers to get away with telling half-truths again. Obama also gave the Queen a rare Richard Rogers song book, autographed by Rogers, the Queens favorite American composer.

Do they EVER tell the truth?


THis is the first I've heard of a "fixation" of the right on the gift. Really who cares? It seems innocent enough, although some might consider it crass. (show tunes ...really?) As far as the GOP's attempt on the Budget, since it has NO chance of even getting looked at by the majority party, it was probably only them yelling about what they think needs to be done. Of course the Dems budget will pass, putting us deeper in debt and making GW look like a fiscal conservative.

Michelle S2009-04-02T12:12:34Z

According to Rep congress members, they will not even read theie budget so what's the point maybe you dont know the senate is 60 40. ( then again they didnt read the stimulus plan either so they can hardly argue it)
I think anytime you have a minority, they are going submit the best plan, because they have nothing to lose, so they submit budget without the ear marks, and more simple. They are not worried about pleasing lobyist, or agendas so they do a straight forward budget. We would be lucky if they picked that budget up.

I looked through GOP budget online, and it is Very specific with numbers unlike the democratic planm which has a lot open space.


Obama take Queen trinkets and beads, smoke pipe, make giant fool
of self, Republicans on the other hand offered a budget that actually
made sense. Would cut taxes, generate revenue, cut wasteful
democratic outrageous spending, and actually accomplish something.

So what is wrong with that. OH wait a minute I get it, this was a trick
question your a dem obama supporter, your being sarcastic, Hmmmm

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