Can the police arrest him ?

Ok, here is the situation.... an 18 year old boy went through a drive through and ordered a drink (like a coke). He proceeded to the second window after he paid for the drink. Then he got out of the car and ran around the car between the window and the car. When the girl at the window gave him the drink, she dropped it and it spilled all over him. He got in the car and drove off. Then he went back through the drive thru and ordered another drink. He paid for the drink and proceeded to the second window. The girl gave him the drink and then he started driving off and threw it back in through the window at her.

Besides being very RUDE and SPITEFUL, was this action called for? And could he be arrest for anything?


Favorite Answer

yes but only disorderly conduct though and that is about all

Faith In God2009-04-06T01:51:26Z

Was he drunk?
I can't see why an adult would do something so goofy as run around their car. I think the girl was shocked by his running around the car she accidently dropped his drink. What he did was cruel, rude, mean and uncalled for. Did his parents not teach him manners or the value of money?

Yes he can be arrested for assault and he should be. Maybe two days in jail and a hefty fine along with a letter of apology to the clerk. Will teach him what it means to be responsable for ones self.

If someone got his license plate number the cops will contact him soon.


At the very a citation for disorderly conduct, but without knowing the laws where you live, it is difficult. Did anyone get the license number and contact the local police?


Like the three other people said he could be arrested for assault? It was totally un called for? Hope my answer was helpful?


When he threw the drink at the girl, he committed assault.

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