If Obama kissed and held hands with a Saudi Prince would the Right see it as a two equals meeting?

I've seen several posts from the Right claiming Bush was showing strength and dignity when he kissed the Saudi Prince. They also claim bowing is completely different and "subservient". What do you think?


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They would have gone nuts anyway and at the same time say that when Bush did it it was totally meaningless and ok.


The bin encumbered kinfolk is an previous and good Arab kinfolk. Obama is the black sheep. that's unreasonable to punish and shun an entire kinfolk for the sins of one member. this is isn't some thing we do in u . s . a . - whether the Bush-haters might like it as yet yet another excuse to trash George Bush. can no longer you locate sufficient stuff with out harming harmless human beings? Saudi Arabia is an prolonged-term best buddy of the U. S. with whom we've diplomatic family members and significant mutual interests. we've protection stress bases and diverse employer interests there, which contain the presence human beings oil companies with considerable investments. Arab men often carry palms and teach friendship in diverse techniques than American men do. that's a cultural distinction that our leaders adjust to in diplomatic situations. To refuse those overtures may be an insult to an significant best buddy. If a Democratic president rejected such a demonstration of friendship, he may be incorrect. handle it. look, Obama has bags. somewhat of treating quesions as "distractions" and "smears" and accusing human beings of prejudice for thinking approximately some very actual information that have surfaced, Obama ought to have spoken on the checklist some time past bearing directly to the situation. Had he confronted it overtly, head-on, those questions would have been laid to relax.


While I'm more inclined to be Conservative, this is where I disagree. I found President Bush's "garden stroll" every bit as demeaning as President Obama's bow.
Of course, if we drilled our own resources, we wouldn't need to put ourself, as a country, in such a humiliating position for our President to deal with.


I just don't understand why it is such a big deal. So what if he bowed? Also I can't find mention of it anywhere else but super right wing sources which leads me to believe no one else considers it worth mentioning (and probably leads them to believe in a Vast Left Wing conspiracy or something akin to it)(


I think what Bush did was MUCH more subservient. But then again, his family has been doing Oil Business with the Sauds for decades, so perhaps we shouldn't be surprised.

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