Proof of a socialist agenda?

Some of the larger banks want to repay the money they got from the govt (with interest) rather than let themselves be run by the Obama administration.........the Govt says no. Is this proof that Obama's administration's true interested in seizing control of american business?


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It is definitely some kind of agenda the Obama administration has....I have the right to pay off any loan that I may have....But may have to pay more why the heck can't the banks do the same thing?

volleyballchick (cowards block)2009-04-13T12:05:01Z

They aren't worried about being run by the Obama Administration. They don't want to have to disclose where the money went and how it is being used. They are afraid that it will be found out about unearned bonuses, wasted endorsements and pissed away dealings with other banks.

When one puts full disclosure on the table in regards to money, people tend to get skittish - especially banks. THAT is why they are trying to give the money back. It has nothing to do with anyone else running the banks.


I would think that it is since they want to control banking, and eventually healthcare. The government that governs less governs best. Do you really think that the US govt. wants to give up any of its power? NEVER they'll hold on to it for as long as this country remains.


No. Put it is proof that you believe that he has a socialist agenda.



Why wouldn't the government/ Obama want to have the money back?

It is total control of the Banking System.

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