If you were given superpowers, would you be good or evil?

In our world, not a comic book world, but here in reality, if you somehow got a superpower (flight, invisibility, telepathy, super strength) what would you do with your powers?

In the comics, it's easy to choose the path of hero, because of the rule of coincedence (superhero's walk upon crimes all the time) where in our world the odds of you finding crimes to fight on a daily basis are slim.

Which power would you want (basic powers, don't go all crazy) and what would you do with those powers. I'd like honesty over creativity.


Favorite Answer

Hmmm... Corresponding to my personality, I'd probably actually be evil. I'd have the power to transform into a cat-type character that is really athletic. (Like Ikuto from Shugo Chara)


I'd want flight for sure. What would I do with it? Mm fly =D lol. I'd use it for neutral purposes, for sight seeing =P

Mind reading would be pretty cool too. Now that would be a touch on the evil side cause I'd be sooo curious about what people are thinking so I'd be delving into their personal thoughts.

Random Penny2009-04-23T22:48:01Z

weather control and I wouldn't say evil but I would mess with people a lot lol.