i got a mystery snail it was fine for 2 months but for 3 days the temperature in our area spike to the high 80's and the snail flipped onto its back and looks dead to me for 3 days already. but sometimes the ghost shrimp goes poking around and i see the snail pull back and couple minutes ago i turned on the lights and i saw it shrink back...is it dead? what can i don to help if its alive cuz it has been in the same place and position for 3or 4 days already
Ryan N2009-04-23T19:15:10Z
Favorite Answer
Uhm, flip it over because the snail is obviously too dumb to figure out how to get right side up again. Or you could spend a few more days watching it sit there helplessly.
If you test the snail by annoying him (pushing on his trapdoor) and taking him out of the water to smell him, it will just start the playing dead thing all over again. This time it will be longer before he starts moving and eating, so you don't really want to disturb him. There are things we need to know and things that are pure curiosity. When I fell down a flight of stairs, the doctor said I probably broke my tailbone, did I want X-rays? She said it would be idle curiosity to know since the treatment for a bruised or a broken tailbone would be the same. So I never had the X-ray. The snail does not need the X-ray treatment either. You will know soon enough if you maintain patience. Be sure though that there is no current rocking him, since in such a spot, the snail will stay closed up much longer.
I think they can right themselves, but since it hasn't just flip him over upright. If you see any signs of movement, it's not dead. When mine died, its body and trapdoor separated from the shell and they both floated. 80 degree temperature wouldn't kill it, but if you have fish in the tank and have treated them with medication lately, especially for ich, that will kill it. Aquarium salt will also kill it. My mollies killed mine by attacking it's tentacle thingys everytime he put them out to eat. They eventually ate them off and it couldn't eat anymore, so maybe you have a fish that's attacking it and it doesn't want to come out. What are you feeding it? They love algae wafers/discs. If you're not feeding it, it could be starving to death. (They also like lettuce and things like that).
Try to pick it up and put it on a flat surface to see if it will move (in the aquarium!). If it doesnt move on the flat surface after a day or two pick it up and smell it (sounds ridiculus) and if it smells foul its dead. best of luck to you and your snail =] cheers