How many of you think that?

people that elevate animal life to an equal or greater importance than human life are exhibiting a sign of insanity?

I think they are dangerous lunatics.But that's just my opinion.

dreamland 2^[]^2 angel2009-04-25T14:22:40Z

Favorite Answer

they are dog lovers


If people regard animal rights as more important that human rights (life) than that's crazy. Human beings are self-conscious, sohpisticated animals and for that reason their lives deserve precedence. But to think that all sentient beings deserve to not be tortured and if killed, in a humane way...

That's not insane. Descartes thought animals didn't feel pain and he would take stray cats and dogs off the streets and nail their paws to boards, open their chests and examine the circulation of blood to and from the heart (in the 1700's this was still be researched) and all of this while they were crying and wailing in agony.

That's insane.

William S2009-04-26T07:07:01Z

I wonder how many of these looney tunes like a big cheese burgers or a nice chicken breast or a fat turkey at Thanksgiving, don't these animals have rights, too? Or, animal rights activists that don't see anything wrong with abortion.

∞ sky3000 ∞2009-04-25T13:58:16Z


I think it's pretty much a fact that some animals were put on this earth to be food for other animals.

Some of them have a screw loose. They feel guilty for being at the top of the food chain.

Being against cruelty to animals is one thing, but to think that humans aren't supposed to eat meat....that's a little messed up.


I think some people who are involved in animal rights are a little over the edge. Like they care more about animals than the human race, when THEY ARE THE HUMAN RACE!!! I still think abusing animals and killing them just for fur and luxuries isn't okay, don't get me wrong. But there comes a point when you have to care more about yourself and your own race.

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