I'm 14 and I did weed about a month ago. I used to be so against weed, alcohol, any substances. I finally decided I might do it, just once. It was really fun and I liked it since I barely have any "spruce" to my life right now (not emo just bored). The day after I did weed I knew that I would want to do it again. I haven't done it yet but I'm planning on it this weekend. I also have gotten drunk 3 times throughout the past month and I never thought I would do that either. It's not like I'm going crazy or addicted or anything but it seems like I will just keep trying. My friend that I'm planning on smoking with this weekend said he might try thizz/ecstasy one time this weekend also and wants to know if I want to come to. I did some research on it and it doesn't look AS bad as I thought. I'm kind of 50/50 on whether or not to do it... I really want some straight forward, what I should do. I want to know what 1 thizz pill will do to me for life. Please I'm really looking for some good advice.
Thank you.
Lachelle G2009-04-28T17:32:00Z
Favorite Answer
DONT do it. You said you were not addicted but you are already talking like someone addicted. You are on the wrong path and you know it. I can hear in your words. You are smart and you know that you are doing wrong. Search your heart. You know it's wrong.
You also have to consider if these people are actually your friends. Get help. Call a 1-800-448-3000. THis is a free number. no charge to your parents and it wont be on the phone bill. its the boys town national help hotline for questions like you have. this is serious. please do this for yourself and make the call.
You're on the road to getting addicted. You had better cut it out now, otherwise you'll get stuck in a rut, i've seen my family and friends go through it. STOP!
Wer W- You're 14! Not 17, 28, not 36, not 53. You don't know how these drugs can ruin you're life! Don't act like what you're saying is ADvice, because its not, its the opposite!
1 pill twice a day....Either you have a 60 day supply or a 30. If 30-cut it in half. If 60, it's 1 whole pill 2 times a day...If it's in bulk supply because you are asking about the zoo understanding about it..ASK your supervisor..Don't OD the animals...Don't ask people on here, we have know idea what the supply is, how big the animal is, or what the medicine is for.
E is no good the main chemical is MDMA and there is also herion cocain and many other this found in it there are many different types of E and there can also be bad batches where you die if you get it i have done it before and its not worth losing brain cells. •Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoiaÑduring and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA (even psychotic episodes have been reported). •Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating. •Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory or heart disease.
what these people are saying is true. but that's not even half of it. ex will not only make you addicted. but it changes you. your personality will change and not for the better. it caused me to have extreme anxiety. I seriously thought i was going crazy. iv seen almost 20 of my friends and people i knew get hooked, and are dumb zombies that do nothing. and they ALL started out just like you. " im just going to try it" and last but not least. some random person made that pill. you have NO idea what is in it. no that bad eh? people have died from ONE. I think that denotes it as being pretty bad.