What would you do or say to a relative that broke your heart?

I had a cousin break my heart by saying he didn't care that my mom died...How would you react to something like this?


My cousin is a blood relative to me and my mom...
My mom died last year and I wrote to my cousin in California to tell him and he wrote back that he didn't care and not to bother him again...
He actually said everybody dies sometime and I was the carrier of bad news...
I am heartbroken now...


Favorite Answer

I would be shocked and actually hate my cousin if they ever said that to me. But, they are family so i would try to get along with them, but i would show my cousin my feelings toward his/her action; that what he/she said was NOT ok with me. I would however handle this very cautious, because it will get Intense sometimes.

^-^ ~Hannah~ ^-^


I'm sorry to have read your question and the additional details. Sometimes you would come across very near and dear once who would break your heart mercilessly. This happens in any race or geographical location.

I have seen how my in-law (younger BIL) behaved so insensitively when their parents died and the pain is more felt by the female genders since they are tender in heart and also have to digest the bully of the male relatives.

I would suggest that let him stay away from your world for a while and chances are that he may repent what he said or did to you. If not, then "Let bygones be bygones" forget about unpleasant things that have happened between you two and let other relatives not jump into taking either of the side and making more enemies in the process.

I thank you for expressing your feelings here and getting some good replies, otherwise you would have been suffering the agony alone. Keep up the good spirit and let the unpleasant things fade away sooner.

Btw, are you keeping contact with our Y!AA friends? There are still so many old and new members who are keeping that site alive. Share your life with them and also blog on Y!360, if you are still using that one or already migrated to other site (multiply)?

Have a nice weekend and Sunday too!


What would I say to that relative?
I'd say 'Goodbye'! and wipe the dust from my sandals and limit all contact with him!
Why does the opinion of a relative you must not have been particularly fond of anyway really mean enough to 'break your heart'?
The creep doesn't even seem particularly fond of your mum; were they close when she was alive or is it you he doesn't care for?
My condolences, losing your mother isn't easy.


Curious Anne2009-05-03T03:16:18Z

My brother said this about my living mother. Your cousin has a lot of resentment toward a lot of people. You cannot help him. One day, as you both find your own families, they will be vague in your presence anyway. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I believe that. This is the second year that I have gave space to my brother. I know, someday, somehow, he will see his wrongs. But in the meantime, your heart will not be broken again, remain to yourself, pray for them. God gives man a choice, he doesn't change anyone, they have to change themselves, in his ways. The world has many problems, you cannot solve them. Try to stay busy, being creative, take care of yourself. Remember, pray for them that offend you. God bless our mothers, especially on this Mothers Day. My mother lives daily with a broken part of her heart, for her lost child. I pray before she leaves this earth, he will return with forgiveness in his heart.


I wouldn't care if my cousin's mother died. She wasn't nice to me when I was young. I wouldn't say anything to them. I don't really talk to my cousin. If she can't accept that I will never like her mom, then that's too bad.

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