will a router increase the speed of my internet?

we have verizon dsl, two computers are connected by wires
another 2 computers are connected by wireless and is down by the basement, the 2 computers in the basement is very slow when loading and i was wondering how i should increase the speed.
would buying a router increase the speed?
or do i need to get separate internet?


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You should ask this in a technical forum that ENCOURAGES two way communications - Yahoo does not.

That said, maybe.

Wireless speeds can drop to as slow as 1 Mbit whereas your DSL line is probably 1.5-7 Mbit... Strictly speaking, you shouldn't notice that much of a difference in web surfing - JUST in downloading large files and MAYBE watching online video even if your wireless connection is only 1 Mbit (which would be VERY weak). Your Wireless device IS a router, so getting another makes very little sense on the surface. Depending on the kind of router and the kind of wirelss network adapters you have, you MAY get considerably better range from a new router. Then again, you may not. It depends on a variety of factors - but since two way communication here is discouraged, I won't bother asking followup questions.

In the end, I recommend you hire a consultant to come in for an hour and analyze your situation. Odds are another DSL line and/or router won't make much of a difference and a consultant for $100-150 can likely resolve the issue. And it's probably cheaper than buying a new router with new wireless cards and/or paying an extra $20-$70 per month for an additional DSL line.


wireless signal is dropping at the basement so the internet speed is becoming slower on the computers there. i assume you are using a wireless G router, which has very limited range, you need to increase the wireless signal quality at the basement to get the better internet speed.

there are some ways to increase wireless signal

change your wireless channel, if someone nearby using the same channel it can interrupt your wireless network.

use a wireless bridge/repertor to expand your wireless network range.

switch to wireless N technology. wireless N have much wider range and more speed than wireless G. in this case you might need to purchase wireless N router and wireless cards for computers (if you current cards doesn't support N).


I presume that you have a modem *** router and is placed a floor above the basement.

You can try placing the modem *** router to various locations ont he existing floor or in between the floors like staircase etc...and check the signal strength in the basement comps and spot a point where u get maximum signal strength. This should improve the reception of signal inthe basement computer and thus better the net speed...

There should not be much slowdown because of just 4 numbers of PC's....

alternatively you can purchase a seseparateouter with better coverage...and try it... jsut check the signal strength of the wireless inthe basement before buying the additional router ..


You must have a router already to be doing this.
Where is your router? If it is in the basement then you should probably upgrade your router to a better one. If you have the router upstairs then maybe the signal is too weak in the basement so you should see if you can move it or get a better router with a stronger signal.
I dont think the problem is with the internet provider because the wired pcs are working fast...right?
Linksys makes go routers.


You can get different speed routers for your network. They won't necessarily speed up your network, but they might help with data transfer and connectability. It's also a factor if more than one person are using the net at the same time, as you have 4 computers using 1 connection.

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