I'm 14 and I know I'm stupid I went full on this weekend and I know I sound like a complete drug addict but I'm not I just was really ******* stupid this weekend. I smoked weed for my second time on friday, saturday I took ecstasy for my first time, and then sunday I smoked again for my third time. It is now wednesday night and I am still really feeling weird. Is there any possible way it could stay like this forever or for how long? Info please. I know I'm ******* STUPID I don't need to hear it I just need to hear what will happen next. Done with drugs that shits crazy.
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Nick don't worry pot takes a month to get out of your system , you are going to feel "half baked " at random times for a good few weeks though.
Hi. Do you know that there's a 24-hour national crises hotline especially for teenagers? Their number is 800-448-3000 and web site is http://www.boystown.org/ Please don't feel shy to call them. There are trained specialists on the other line who will talk to you about any youth-related problems including drugs and anything else that bother you as a young man. But going back to your question, I know for a fact that certain drugs can cause "weird" conditions like derealization. Derealization is an unpleasant experience when you constantly feel like you're out of your own body. It is hard to treat. I don't know if you have it or not, so just give a call to the number above.
When you're high on speed you go 3 to 5 days without sleep. It cause mental problems and hallucination. Stay off of it, you'll probably sleep for a few days.. after that don't go anywhere near it. Make sure you get plenty of water and sleep. You're lucky you made it!
your not stupid just young and curious!!we all have been that age!!it is the Ecstasy that is making you feel weird.it was more than likely not pure mdma.probably cut with speed or heroin.it is next to impossible in this day and age to get pure mdma due to the power of a quick buck.they will cut it with the cheapest and sometimes deadly drugs to make as much many as they can.I suggest saying **** ecstasy it is just not worth it,with all the crap they put in it nowadays.plus if you take to much of it,it messes with serotonin in the brain and it makes it hard to enjoy things in life it kinda makes you permanently depressed with extended use.trust me i know plenty of people that wish they never got into it.
I highly suggest you don't take "ecstasy" ever again, unfortunately in these modern times finding a pill that is pure MDMA is nearly impossible, you have no idea what you are getting unless you have a testing kit.