Brookllynn ©
Favorite Answer
Yes definitely...always
No, we learn from our partners (some partners remain IN love, but then others move on). Once you feel that you no longer are IN love with your partner, you basically have learn all that you can from them.
Its hard when the other remains IN love, but sometimes its a mutual agreement to depart from one another. I think you will always feel love for that one but not IN love, just because of the fact you shared your life with them and were Intimate.
I think that person will always have a little piece of your heart because, at one point in time, you gave it to them.
Nora G
Unfortunately I think life can get in the way of that much too often
♥MiSS AUSSiE DiVA♥jealous haters
i gave my heart to someone a long time ago now, and altho things went horribly wrong apart of me still loves him and the other side of me is $hit scared of him, tho i protected his career for what he did to me...