Can't sign into Yahoo! Messenger?

I cannot sign into my messenger for some reason. I've tried restarting my computer, reinstalling yahoo messenger, and signing into my e-mail to make sure the password is right, but I still can't get in.

I can bring up the sign in window and it tries to sign in but the smiley just keeps blinking then this comes up: "Please click "Try Again" to re-enter your ID and password. If you have forgotten your ID or password, click "Sign-In Problems?". I've clicked on the "Sign-In Problems?" button and reset my password.


It's been like this for about a week now. Any idea what the problem might be and what I can do to fix it?


Jojo - reported.


Favorite Answer

I am having the same problem as of yesterday I have contacted Yahoo and they said it is a known issue. I received the following email this morning...


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Messenger.

I understand that you are unable to sign into Yahoo! Messenger. I recognize the inconvenience of Messenger not functioning as expected.

You may recall that this is a known issue and we continue to have our
engineers working on a resolution for this issue. The next step is to
try and dig deeper to see if we can find out why you're continuing to
have this sign-in issue.

I'll need your help to collect some information to pass on to our
engineering team for analysis. I'd like you to go through the following
steps, and reply to this email with answers to the questions below:

1. What error message are you receiving, if any? Please send the error
message, as well as any error codes.

2. Using Internet Explorer on your computer, can you successfully sign
in to any or all of the following websites? (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)

3. On your computer, are you able to sign in to Yahoo! Messenger with
any other Yahoo! ID? (Yes/No)

Note: While we continue to work on the sign-in issue with your current
Yahoo! ID, you may want to create a new temporary Yahoo! ID so you can
continue to use the version of Yahoo! Messenger installed on your
computer. With the new temporary Yahoo! ID you'll be able keep in touch
with your contacts and also test whether your problem is with your
original Yahoo! ID. To create a new Yahoo! ID go to the Yahoo!
Registration page at:

4. On a different computer, are you able to sign in to Yahoo! Messenger
with your Yahoo! ID? (Yes/No)

5. Did this start to happen after the migration from version 8.1 to 9.0?

6. Are you currently using an HTTP proxy connection? (Yes/No)

We do appreciate your help answering these questions to assist us in
investigating this known issue. The information you provide will help
our engineering team further investigate this known issue and possibly
offer you further troubleshooting steps.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Messenger.

Be sure to check the Official Yahoo! Messenger Blog for more information
and the latest updates about Yahoo! Messenger!



Yahoo! Messenger Customer Care

For assistance with all Yahoo! services, please visit:

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You may want to email your information too, to this email address...


I can't get in to yahoo messenger


I have tried every thing this is driving me crazy. I use my Yahoo messenger , and WebCam and I can't get in now, ever since you change something ? What was wrong with the old way it was working fine


I cannot sign to Yahoo Messenger ..I only use laptop now..thank you for some help


I have had the same problem for about a month now and still can't get any help. When will yahoo fix the problem?

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