How can I let my uncle know that I know that he is gay without offending him?

A few years ago I found out from my dad that my uncle is gay. He found out from my second cousin (who is also gay), who my uncle confided in. However, my uncle has not come out my family about his sexual orientation.
My family who does know about my uncle being gay doesn't care, but we wish that he could be honest with us about it. I think that perhaps he feels that if he tells us, we won't accept him.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I could tell my uncle that I know without offending him? I would just like to let him know that I'm still here for him and I still love him just the same. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Maybe just tell him that... that one of your relatives mentioned it to you. You could say that you were sorry only that it had been kept a secret because that made you think it was something your uncle assumed would be unacceptable to you. You could explain that you love him for exactly who he is and respect him entirely.


ask him to go shooping with you and get to a really cute section of clothes and ask him if he likes it then just hang out the whole day then go to dinner or something and start talking tell him something personal and to show him that you trust him so he can see that you are esasier to talk to and drop into a conversation where you say you have a gay friend and tell him that you like him but make the storie about your friend but its really about him if that makes sense just make sure you let him know he can trust you with personal things


Not sure what to say sorry if I'm not much help. But um, wait tell you guys are both alone and then bring it up in a nice easy way and I don't know but try and hug him if he starts to break down and start to cry.


tell him that you know the truth and the only thing you were upset about was him not being honest about it (not that hes gay). tell him that you accept him no matter what because thats what families do.


Tell him exactly that! Just say that there's no difference between him being gay or not. Tell him you'll love him no matter what and he shouldn't be afraid!

Good luck!
God bless!

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