What are some good Father's Day gifts for a dad-to-be?

I'm pregnant with our 1st child and want to get him something special. We are due September 6th!! :)

GATITA EYES2009-06-10T16:31:48Z

Favorite Answer

You can buy a frame that spells dad or says dad and put your ultrasound pix there, its a really nice gift as to why hes celebrating this fathers day to be, personally my husband loved it because everyone said he should celebrate it since hes not a dad yet because the baby wasnt born yet but, sometimes we have to give them credit for taking everything we go thru in the pregnancy tks to the baby so its a little recognition

@ I also got him some


I love themed gifts. How about a "father to be survival basket or tool belt" from you and the baby. It could include ear plugs, tylenol, fuzzy slippers, a baby memory book (for both of you to make), snacks (for when is up at night with the baby), some kind of liquor, condoms, masks, nose plugs, baby clothing that reads "I love my daddy". I would try to mix humorous with sentimental. This is a great opportunity to be creative.


make a newborn baby photo slideshow or father's day slideshow,present the baby say something to dad,that may be very heart warmed.
newborn baby slideshow
father's day slideshow


anything really its just like a birthday present or christmas Eccept you get to tell him how great of a dad hes going to be =]


congratulations and get him something he likes if he likes golf get him some clubs. I mean if you want it to be special you have to get him something you Truly think he'll use and love....a watch....underwear....stuff

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