Guys, would you rather have a girl with big breasts and a flat rumpus or a big rumpus and flat breasts?

This is for guys, only, please.


Favorite Answer

I am personally into butts, idk why. I just love how a nice butt looks in tight pants, or naked lol. Thats just me tho. And a good face is even better than both of those.

k h2009-06-13T14:54:15Z

Well, my wife has "flat" breasts -and the one I would probably give second place among "the girls I knew" had flat bottom ;o)

But I think the choice had more to do with the person and being able to envision being with her for a long time and so on, than comparing those physical traits ;o)

You can't put it like that - girls are not a menu card, where you can just point "oh I would like one with this hair, those feet, such and such eyes... and so on". Girls do come as a complete package ;o)