My dad wont make eye contact with me and when I ask him a question he wont answer me ever since this morning. I think the reason that he is mad is because I didn't scratch his back... he didnt scratch me when I wanted him to... so i didnt scratch his back! But now he is really mad at me... I WANT THIS TO STOP...!
my dad is weird
Favorite Answer
Just don't talk to him for a while. When you do get the chance to talk, be very calm about it. When he's ready to talk, confront him about the situation and how you didn't like being ignored. He may sympathize with you or ignore it but all you can do is try.
If its all because of back scratching, he's being very immature and shouldn't be acting this way as an adult. It's inculcating a very bad image of adulthood into you and you need to realize his mistakes. I'm sorry you have to put up with this! I feel your pain!