Who Was the first US President to smoke a joint in the white House ?

Or who will be ?


Favorite Answer

You know it was Clinton, that was no fricken cigar in Monica♥


Andrew Jackson.

Marijuana grew wild throughout The United States of America at one time. Marijuana was a common weed in the cornfields.

When you hear the old joke about kids in the midwest smoking cornsilk, they are not really smoking cornsilk, they are smoking the marijuana that grows wild in the cornfields.

Drugs did not become illegal until the early 1900s.

Many people at the time also used Opium and Cocaine. In fact Opium and Cocaine were sommon ingredients in medicines that were sold over the counter at the time.

In fact the "Secret" ingredient in Coca Cola was Cocaine before Cocaine was made illegal.


Washington grew hemp, but the White House wasn't built yet. Jefferson grew it as well, but for rope, not for smoking for pleasure. I've heard Kennedy smoked it in the White House, possibly for his back pain.


I've heard rumors that Thomas Jefferson grew marijuana plants.

Keep in mind that before the 1930's, marijuana was legal. I'm sure many presidents have smoked it.


I would have said Carter but then he isn't that talented, next would for sure have been slick willie as for Nixon, I doubt it he was squirrel enough without resorting to weed.

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