JUST FOR FUN: If you were a virgin...?

...and you miraculously conceived a child WITHOUT using sperm donors, artificial insemination, etc. -- how would you react?


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I would ask God to sign the birth certificate because that would be the only explanation.

M. Oeuf Fromage2009-06-17T16:31:10Z

I'd sell the baby on ebay, along with the sock next to my toilet that looks like Abe Lincoln, and the toast I made this morning that looks like it has a picture of Elvis on it.

But I'M Just AN EGG!


I would most likely think my child to be was the spawn of satan and thank my lucky stars (i have three so far) that I was its mother and therefore immune to any distruction it would cause on humanity. But then again there is no such thing as "god" so thats out. Hmmm. Check myself into a psych ward immediately and get all the free drugs they offer. haha.

Justin S2009-06-17T16:31:28Z

I would kinda freak out. But then again Im a guy, so I would probably go on Yahoo Answers and find out what I should do next.


I'd be upset. I mean if I waited and I didn't have sex then obviously I was waiting for the right person to have a baby with. No one will believe that you didn't have sex.

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