whats the best thing to use to cover up marijuana in a drug test?

gotta take a drug test for work and ive smoked some weed. whats the best cover up to use


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there is many detox's that take anywhere from3 hours to a week to work, but you have to watch yourself because some places also test for the chemicals used to hide the THC in your urine, if you have to drug test for work your best bet is just not smoke because chances are you will get busted. not worth losing a job for a little weed, i smoke like a mofo and have had to stop for drug tests, also another way is drinking vinegar, but you have to drink ALOT, this isnt a myth either, ive done it and so has my best friend and both tests came up clean, another thing is if they ask if youve taken any over the counter medicines tell them you took ibuprofen (advil), because alot of times ibuprofen will cause a false trigger for THC, and blow off everyone that says grow up, there are lawyers, judges, and even police officers that toke up, ive even smoked with a state trooper when he was off duty


Drug Test Cover Up


There's no way to fool the test except for when you have none in your system, as soon as your piss hit the cup the strip thats inside the cup dectects even the tinest trace right away and also don't buy someone else pee because also on the cup... The UA Cups they give us during on drug testing at work they can tell if it came from you or not because it has a tempature guage inside that can tell if it came from you or not because your pee is suppose to be a certin temp & having clear pee is acutally a good thing it means your bladder is flushed of all toxins and has just water... when you drink alot of water you'll notice your pee is clear or almost clear, darker yellow your pee is the more toxins in your bladder so be proud of having "Clear liquids" but remember what i said don't waste money on other people "Clean" pee because you might get the container with the temp gugage & Last quit being a moron if you are such a "Good" kid you wouldn't be "Stoned & Drunk" for two weeks it's stoners like you who screw up guys like me good game on Online Gameplay On MW3


that's a dumb, innacurate & worst judgemental opinion. but mainly innacurate. ypu chode. You know nothing.
stop smoking 7-14 days as many as you can afford to. buy a $30-$40 doo=llar cover-up drink. and you shld be straight.
I have used, passed, and outside of 7 days befor__ I always smoked heavy befor stopping for about a week.


there are multipul ways to cover up you can use 3-4 drops of eye drops, get someone to pee for you in a condom and then keep it warm, buy fake pee, drink alot of cranberry juice and water, dip your finger in clorax then dip your finger in your pee, also if you dont somke alot and smoke once in a while give it about a week and a half and you should be clean

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