Why keep saying, "I'm President of the United States"?



Is Obama reading his responses?

Does he not know his own mind?


Favorite Answer

Until you get it ...He knows his own mind.


don't tell me he had a teleprompter there?

the mention of "McCain" is possibly what prompted this, although I think Obama would have been the only one still in "who won" mode--

edit: actually "runtun" is too. It would be good to have a POTUS that isn't a patrician but is "settled" enough to not strut and react bling bling style (he's not the only politician with these hangups). Maybe Obama needs to gain some weight, get a little portly or something LOL


For the same reason Bush repeated "I'm the decider'. Because the buck stops at the Presidency, and Obama is the one who must determine our foreign policy and our official statements as a nation on what is happening in Iran. For many years, senators, commentators, pundits have said whatever they wanted about some situation at home or abroad, but the President has more intelligence than they are permitted, the President has a long range diplomatic issue to deal with, and can't just run off at the mouth about other nations if he expects to deal with them in the future.


I don't watch television so I'm not as used to it as some.. but I did watch the speech today. I thought it odd for about a second, as it became very clear that what he was telling people was... He is not in the Oval Office to provide news clips and sound bytes. Nor to worry about the talk that's going on. His job is to DO what's best. This was most clear when explaining that Iran could care less about our partisan bs. And you know what? I agree.

Boomer Wisdom2009-06-24T02:15:45Z

He IS the POTUS. That's why.

And Babs IS a SENATOR, not a lady.

They've earned it through hard-pressed pandering.

Personally, I don't think wealth and power excuse arrogance, especially when these people are actually our servants.

(At least the TOTUS isn't arrogant. http://www.baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com/ )

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