Should I permanentley straighten my hair? What wil the effects be?

I really hate my hair. But I love how it looks when it is straightened. Should I permanantley straighten it? Will it damage my hair a lot? How long does it last?


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I almost got it done to my hair. I have somewhat wavy hair but I love my hair when it is straight. I went to the hairdresser and asked them questions. They said they only recommend it for really curly hair and its not the best for your hair. What I learned was that it will outgrow on everyone differently and either quicker or slower. Once it grows out, most of your hair will be straight but the top at the roots will have your natural hair to it. My best advice is to talk to a hairdresser and discuss pricing because it is a very large expense. Also, do the tests that they offer before the straightening to make sure that your hair wont get really damaged.


They claim that it will not damage your hair, but I do not see how it wont. The length it will last depends on how fast your hair grows. The faster it grows the less it will last, because your roots will kick in. I wouldn't not recommend it, I would recommend buying a good quality ceramic hair straightener, and straitening it no more than twice a week. So wash your hair, let it air dry, blow dry it completely, straiten in twice a week. The average hair should only be washed about 2-3 times a week anyways.

Hope this helps


I think you should. I also was considering this since i love my hair straight. Depending on the type of hair you have, it might not even damage. It lasts a few years, but it stays relatively straight. The best thing to do would be to ask a Professional hairdresser.


i have curly hair and i hate it some days to, but people always tell me how pretty my hair is. I asked my friend about my hair and she said you can straighten your hair whenever you want but you can never get the same curls if your permanently straighten it. So that made me straighten my hair when i want and leave my curls alone.


If you get a Japanese hair straightening it will not damage your hair. It lasts until the regrowth so you will need to retouch every 3 months or so

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