Stir Frying?? HELP!!?

Does anyone know how to stir fry peppers and onions??
I am a teenager that is bored at home and needs some new cooking ideas.
So if you know how to stir fry peppers and onions please, please, please answer!!
Thank you for all of your help!!


Put a fry pan on the stove, and turn it to meduim high, and add Pam or olive oil or even butter depending on the flavour you want to make.. slice up your veggies and place them in the pan, and stir it up until you get the well done level that you like

Sugar Pie2009-06-28T18:01:32Z

They key to stir-fry is VERY high heat. Get your big skillet or wok hot, add a bit of oil, and dump in sliced veggies. Keep them moving and keep heat up. When still brightly colored but cooked a bit, remove to a plate.


you just simply slice up peppers and onions and take a pan turn on the stove put a tiny bit of oil, like a tsp or butter or pam in the pan put it on the stove throw the veggies in and let em cook stir them a bit here and there, till they are tender/done to your liking shut stove off put em on a dish and eat em, lol


You stir them while they're frying. Nothing to it. When they're done, eat them.