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Our Muslim Sleeper Agent...ERRRR....President, can now show his TRUE colors....
If you are refering to Obama and Zelaya well, they were electe by democracy and only should step out of power by democratic ways, in other words if the people want it, not by a coup which by the way is antidemocratic. Obama is a true democrat, he will respect the elected president of each country without taking in count for this support their economic or social beliefs.
Kevin D (RIP Adam Yauch MCA)
He has no choice but to side with Zelaya because he was democratically elected by the people of Honduras. Sure he was trying to rewrite the constitution but the people would have stopped him. The rule of law has to prevail. It's called impeachment.
Because Obama supports regimes like Zelaya, Chavez and Castro. The Amercan people need to pay really close attention to how Obama handles this situation because it will tell a story and divulge his true colors.
He supports Dictators. Iran Honduras, Chavez, Castro etc etc.