So young people... how does it feel to be a modern serf in the US?


Young people must serve the 1337.


1337 is Leetspeak.


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I'd notch it up from serf to slave.

I am part of the new slavery; White, middle class taxpayers...

When is that damn revolution supposed to happen?


The Progressive liberals have been treating our nation's underprivileged citizens like we're still on the Plantation with the poverty war that has no endgame, and with welfare that lives on into perpetuity like the energizer bunny.... since LBJ!

We've have welfare brats plus red and yellow, black and white ghettos.

Now Obama comes in a says "UNFAIR! You who are not poor don't deserve your victory over poverty. I will redistribute your wealth and tax you so that we can all be welfare brats."

Obama is fast-tracking the nanny state at a break-neck speed. It ought to be clear that this is not about taking an honest and sincere look at how to make this a better country. Breathlessness is a great political technique. Telling voters that the world will end if we don't get X passed now.


I prefer to be called an indentured servant. The Middle Ages were not my favorite historical period. I only work for the 1337 right now to pay college expenses, which I'm doing well (2nd year of college will be free!). Hopefully, I can be one of the 31337 one day ;)


Given the state of our school system, most of them will have to look up the definition of serf and not understand the historical connotations


45 and I guess I have to pass, huh?

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