Did Palin quit because she's mentally/emotionally unable to continue?

She looked like she was going through a breakdown during the election, and it was 100 X worse last night.


Favorite Answer

She's a delusional nut case.

All Religion is Pagan2009-07-06T00:39:28Z

HOLYCRAP!! I would normally mute the tv when Palin started her narcissistic Ego trip speeches but this time some thing was different.
It is SO clear now that she has SNAPPED! It was almost sad to hear the endless stream of Psycho Babble the spewed from the dark recesses of her twisted mind. All I could think was , We TOLD YOU SO... Even the Palin fan club has to admit that we dodged a scary bullet this time. The white house has a way of making strong minds turn to mush, Just imagine the drooling stammering mess she would be by now had McSame won the election.


There is some beautiful horrible gigantic technicolor skeleton just waiting to jump out of her closet and I would bet the are indictment papers in his bony hand.

This is going to be endlessly entertaining.


Palin is always blaming others but has never taken responsibility for her own actions. She talks about civility, moral compass, encouraging atrocious behavior, and restoring decency in politics but she wasn't saying that when she was encouraging atrocious behavior about Obama. Where was her decency or civility then? She dishes it out but can't take it. A typical Rep

Duchess X2009-07-04T18:02:08Z

Just wait till the criminal indictment is handed down...she's going to be blubbering all over the TV.

Pass the popcorn....

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