After eight years, why are we still in Allah's cat box?
Why are 35,000 Marines going to Afghanistan?
This is getting crazy: VIET NAM II
Why are 35,000 Marines going to Afghanistan?
This is getting crazy: VIET NAM II
Favorite Answer
You wouldn't be if you idiots had STAYED in Afghanistan/Pakistan to begin with, you know, where the BAD GUY from 9/11 is!!!
He NEVER was in Iraq!!!
Robert T
Operations in Laos have effected positive change this time , & the possibility does loom large that we will be in Cambodia soon, for the protection of Sri Lanka
They have started calling it AFPAK because they don't intend to stop at the border but don't want to call attention to the FACT that they have no congressional authority to go into Pakistan (where they have budgetted a billion dollar embassy and green zone) at all.
Because we provide the military for the new world order - we will always be somewhere so the billionaires can continue to rape and pillage.
Oh okay
Just like Iraq was supposed to be another Vietnam?