How many September mom-to-be's are out there? And when are you due?

I got an ultrasound done today and I am 32 weeks and 2 days. My little boy weighs 5 pounds already! The ultrasound tech said he is 17% heavier than the average baby at his gestational age. Lol. He's a chunker.

Due September 6th with my 1st!


Also what are you having? And what are you naming the little peanut? :)


Favorite Answer

I'm due Sept. 6th w/ #2; they are saying it's another girl. This will put my girls almost 2 years apart, so we are excited they will grow up together.

I have my next check up on Thursday; not sure how much she weighs yet...but she is so stinkin' strong. It's actually quite painful sometimes when she kicks or turns over. Having braxton hicks all the time, so my stomach is always hard. However she hasn't dropped yet and i haven't gained a lot of weight, so i'm still semi-comfortable (as comfortable as you can be at this point, lol)

Congrats on your little one.

Shelley M2009-07-14T12:02:43Z

I am due sept 1 with my second! It's a boy! We are naming him Jackson! Mine is measuring big as well at about 5 ibs. I am tiny so I will probably be induced. My first was 8 ibs. Ultrasounds done around now and toward the due date can be off on the weight.

Proud Mama of 1! ☮2009-07-14T11:41:36Z

I'm due on the 15th of September... can't wait.. Just turned 31 weeks today!

I have a feeling I have a big boy in there too, but I don't get any more ultrasounds :(.. I wish I did!!!!

Oh, it's a boy! We're naming him Mason Tyler!

MishMash [I am not one of your fans]2009-07-14T11:47:38Z

I'm due September 3 with a son. This will be my second child. I'm 32 w 5 d and we still don't have a name!!


I'm due on 26th September, but every time I got for a scan, they move the date forward. I'll have another scan tomorrow, so we'll see what they say this time!

ps: just noticed that so far (with 3 answers and 1 question) we're all having boys!!! Mine is Baby Oscar :) LOL

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