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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Due in September and would like to know about labor?

Hey Ladies Im due in September and would like to know how "bad" labor is Im a first time mom so im pretty freaked out about labor and all. I know its a great experience since many women dont get this privilege, but I want to know your experience in labor and also want to know if the pain is that bad like many women say it is. A few years ago I had kidney stones (my mother also had them) she told me that the pains are similar to labor pains, and I think I took it pretty good. But I dont know if labor pains are stronger compared to kidney stone pains. I would like to go all natural (no epidural) have any one you gone through an all natural labor? Please give me your tips advice and labor experiences!! Thank you very much!

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never had kidney stones so I'm not sure about comparing it to that, but what I always compare it to is a really REALLY intense menstrual cramp. You feel like all of the muscles down there are squeezing together sooooo much. Have you ever had a muscle cramp like in your foot? It's kinda like that mixed w/ a period cramp.

    I also said that I didn't want an epidural, but after being in intense labor for about 6 hours straight I was begging for one. Overall, my labor was actually good b/c I was only in labor for about 8 hours and I had no complications, but I will NEVER forget that pain. It was horrible. Some ppl have higher pain tolerance though.

    If I had any tips it would be to try and focus on your breathing (altho that's easier said than done). Be sure to have your support system there and ready. (For some reason it seemed to help if I had someone's hand to hold...).

    Good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Every woman is totally different. A woman's body decides how the labor will go (with a little help from baby's size). I'm small. I delivered 3 babies.

    Baby 1: 7 lb 8 oz. 2 hours of labor. 3 pushes. Yes, pain, but short!

    Baby 2: (9 years later): 7 lb 1 oz. 90 minutes of labor. Baby pretty much pushed herself out. More pain than the 1st one, but shorter!

    Baby 3: (20 months later): 9lb. epidural. 3 hours. One push. No Pain ~ at all!

    I would recommend going through the labor naturally the 1st time (as I did the 1st two). I don't regret feeling the pain!!! But I don't regret the epidural the 3rd time!

    I've never had kidney stones, so I can't compare it.

    Nobody can prepare you. My doctor told me his experience with women's labors: Some walk away like it was nothing & some walk away with post traumatic stress disorder from all the pain.

    No matter what, it's worth every minute of pain! If you choose an epidural, that's completely acceptable & won't reduce your experience! It will just change your experience!

    Good luck!

    Source(s): mother of 3 (2 natural childbirths, 1 epidural)
  • Hi I have a 2 month old little girl and I think It was pretty bad. Im not gonna lie It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. The contractions I think was the worst they hurt so bad. Im a first time mommy also and was scared to death about labor. I had to be cut and I was in labor for 18 1/2 hrs and I thought the baby was never gonna come but when eveyone says " You'll forget about all the pain afterwards" there right. It is totally worth it after you see that precious little baby. Women have been having babies forever and they have more than one so you know it couldnt be that bad. You can do it and you will do it. If it does get too bad you can have the epidural. Either way its your choice but dont worry about it too much. It will pass quickly once the baby comes. Congrats and Good Luck.

    Source(s): mommy of a 2 month old
  • 1 decade ago

    Well...labor is the most painful thing you are ever going to experience. But it isn't as bad as you think since many women have more than 1 child(myself included) so obviously it cant be that bad. But they key is that as soon as you have the baby you immediately forget about the pain and the fact that you thought you would never get through it.

    I personally wouldn't suggest to go without any epidural I mean if you can get pain medication to make it easier why wouldn't you???

    I never had kidney stones so I cannot compare to that. I wish you luck and congrats to you:)

    Source(s): Im' due 6/2 and 34 1/2 weeks pregnant with my 2nd son :)
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a new mommy to be too, 38 weeks this week. I am nervous about labor too but i realize that the pain doesn't last forever and you get a wonderful little gift. Many women that I have talked to say that when you finally have the baby in your arms nothing else matters. Well think about it this way can't be too unbearable b/c women are still having them. I look at my mom who had 10 natural births and 7 were at home. Its amazing how strong we are and not know it until times like these. good luck with baby and take care!

    Source(s): 38 weeks with first baby( Boy)
  • JLee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wow your brave! I have had two epidurals because I couldnt relax enough to dialate past a 4 (with the first one I was stuck at a 1 until my epidural)...

    as far as labor pain...its imagine having to have a really bad bowel movement and it feeling like its the size of a watermelon....its a ton of pressure and very uncomfortable..but really it is tolerable...if your able to relax and breath through the contractions....It was much better for me the second time around because I knew what I was going to be feeling and why,...the first time is always the scariest...Im sure you will do fine whatever you decide!

    Good Luck and God Bless

    Source(s): momma of 2 and due w #3 August 21st!!
  • 1 decade ago

    I've had five natural births, 4 at home. Labor is as bad as your preparation for it. If you show up at the hospital after labor starts and expect the doctor and nurses to tell you what to do, labor will be unbearable and you will not be able to do it naturally. If you take time to educate yourself on the birth process and prepare for your labor, you can get through it very well and natural. Go to They have information on the Bradley Birth method, which is one of the best natural birth methods you will find. They can also help you find classes in your area to prepare for the birth. Good luck to you, it will be a wonderful, rewarding experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    My first baby was all natural and I had her breach. I remember it hurt pretty bad but once it was over the pain was gone. I find it amazing how it happens. I did have an epidural with my second child, but i was in labor for 8 hours. My first was only 2 hours.

  • 1 decade ago

    I prepared for my 2 pregnancies with Lamaze classes. I didn't know if i was going all natural -- I just didn't want to be scared. In both cases, the results were good. I worked with the muscle contractions and didn't see it as pain. I reassured myself with the fact that 96% of deliveries are fine, The muscle contractions are not impossible to deal with, certainly not as bad as a leg cramp in the middle of night. I handle most pain without much discomfort, so another's experience would be different. I think that understanding what was going on -- through the classes -- helped overcome fear which is what heightens pain. Make up your own mind about whether to use anasthesia without being pushed by others. You and your baby are most important, and you get to decide.

    My husband was present through the 2nd delivery, but in the first pregnancy he was ushered to waiting room while I went to delivery room. (My substitute MD wasn't a full supporter of Lamaze) It was a great experience for him too.

    Source(s): Lamaze classes in many locations. Ask your doctor.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well I had a scheduled c-section, but when I went in to the hospital to get ready for the surgery the hooked me up to all the wires and machines that monitor the baby and contractions etc. They asked my how long I had been having contractions. I hadn't felt a single one. I have seen my sis-in-las go through 2 births (she made it look like awalk in the park) and I saw the print-out from her contractions. Mine looked just as big.

    My mom was the same way. Water broke, never felt a single contraction though she was definitely having them. Ended up with a c-section because I would come down.

    What I have learned from others...

    always breathe and make sure you are concetrating your efforts. Dont push with your face, dont tighten up your arms and chest. It will wear you out. This takes serious concentration but will save you work and energy.

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