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Lv 56,101 points

Mom to Isobelle 2, & Gavyn 8mths

Favorite Answers22%

I am a 23 year old stay at home momma who practices child led weaning, cloth diapering to Isobelle marie ,2 ,and Gavyn Wayne, 8 months.

  • Birth Control Options?

    I am 27 years old. I have a 5, 4, and 2 year old. Me and my husband is pretty sure we are done having children but I don't want either of us to be permanently fixed.

    Problem is after my last baby my sex drive went like non existent. My husband complains often and I hate it as well. I am still very attracted to him but It takes forever for me to get in the mood.

    I made an apt next week for Birth Control. I am looking for something hormone free I think. I tried the pill when I was younger. The shot made me bleed and bleed. The patch made me sick. What have you tried? What would you say the pros's and Cons are?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • how do i set up some serious security on my Belkin wireless N router?

    Need to set up some serious security on my home network to stop things like sniffer bots and such. my windows firewall, Router Firewall and antivirus just isn't doing the job.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • a question for mommas who don't vaccinate?

    My son is 2 mths old and I am unsure if I am gonna vax or not. What made u decide to not vaccinate and I live in wv and it says that shots are required to go to school. What are u going to do when ur kids go to school.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How can I convince hubby for another baby?

    Okay I have a 16 mth old daughter and a 2 month old son. I am not wanting to get pregnant right away but I am defintly wanting another baby. I am only 22 years old.

    Now hubby is 33 and he is a coal miner. I am a stay at home momma whom breastfeeds and cloth diapers both kiddo's. We can def afford more kids.

    He has a son from a previous marriage whom is 13. My husband says NO to more kids. hmmmm He says we got one of each and he wants to enjoy his life when the kids get older & move out. He thinks he's an old man :) I do most of the work anyways. He is a great dadda. I love being a mom and I want at least 1 more child and since my other 2 are close I want this one kinda close too.

    It seems unfair for him just to say NO , what am I supposed to do? You only have one chance at life and I want to raise a family, and I am blessed to have the 2 beautiful children that I have but want more. What can I do? Has anyone else had this problem?

    11 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • bridal shower or ???

    okay me and my fiancee have been togeather for 5 years. We live togeather and have 2 small kids. We are finally getting married in 22 days. Question is do I have a bridal shower or do I receive gifts at the wedding and if thats the case do I stick the registry slip in the invitation?

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • how to get my parents to back off!?

    I have a 15 mth old and a 7 week old. I am having some serious issues with my parents. When my daughter was born they tried to tell me how to raise her and made me feel as though I was wrong. I chose to cloth diaper both kids because I care about the enviroment. I am the one washing them but I pack the diapers in the bag when they go to my moms and she puts disposables on them when I don't want her too. They said people don't cloth diaper there kids any more. There was never an issue with breatfeeding thank God. My daughter started crawling and would not walk and my dad said I need to work with her. I tried the standing and having her walk to me but I belive in child led parenting. She will walk when she chooses to. They think I am crazy. My mom believes its okay to let a child cry and I do not. Not for any reason. My daughter finally walked at 14 mths. My parents say I need to make my daughter sleep in her own bed. We bought her a toddler bed and redid her room.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • sending money to my paypal?

    I need to know if I can use my debit card to send money to my pay pal account? My account is $0 but I have money on debit card. How do I take it from debit card and send some to paypal?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • looking for affordable cloth diapers?

    I am a married mother of 2 kids ages 15 months and 7 weeks. I am on a very tight budget. I am trying to keep all these disposables out of the landfill. My daughter is allergic to diaper rash creams and now that she is sleeping through the night she stays in her pee more and is developing a rash. I have 5 prefolds and 1 cover for her and 7 prefolds and 1 cover for my son. I am washing diapers everyday sometimes I do 2 loads a day because the baby uses more. I would love to know where I can purchase cheap diapers. Brand dosen't matter. Thanks

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • formula question?

    my son is a mth old & i am breastfeeding but i am having to give formula too. he was on regular similac and kept throwing up. they put him on similac sensitive and he was alright at first and now he is throwing it up also almost every feeding. what could be the problem?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • breastfeeding problem??

    My son is a month old and I am having trouble with the breastfeeding. He was born and had to stay in the NICU for a week. I tried to breastfeed him and he turned blue( he was having breathing issues) I pumped and took 4 days to get my milk. So he was formula only for 4 days and then they gave him my milk. They kept him on a schedule of 2 oz every 3 hrs. I feed on demand. No schedules! I have been pumping and the 1st week I got a lot and my breasts got hudge and hard. But there not like that anymore. Theres milk in there but not as much. My son eats about 4 oz every 2 hrs and I also have a 15 month old so I am having such an issue trying to breastfeed and stop suplementing the formula. My 15 mth old wouldn't latch so I had to pump and it was easy cause it was just her but its harder with 2 kids. My son latches perfectly and sucks for about 10 min on one side and I switch to the other breast and he will suck and fall asleep and let go. I lay him down and he screams and I try again but

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding concern?

    My daughter is 15 mths and wouldn't latch(she was tongue tied)

    My son is 3 weeks and latched on perfectly(he was also tongue tied)

    My concern is that he latches and suckles and then after about 10 min on each breast he falls asleep and I place him in his crib & he wakes crying. I have tried a pacifier. I believe in feeding him when he is hungry. I have been giving him some formula. He eats 4 oz every 2-3 hrs sometimes more. I hate the formula but how can I get him to get full if he keeps spitting it out?

    Also with a toddler sometimes It is hard for me to sit and nurse him. I have him on the boob and chasing her around. She dosen't sleep through the night and I am the only one who gets up with them and I am so tired. I have tried to lay down and nurse him but I fell asleep and I am scared I will smother him. I have tried pumping and at first I was doing great but I have slacked off the pumping and nursing and I am scared I will stop altogetaher. I still have milk. What do I do?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • bonding with my baby???

    I am a mother of 2 beautiful children. My daughter is 15 months old & we got pregnant with her by accident, but I was thrilled. The day I had her was the best day of my life. 18 1/2 hrs of labor(3 was straight pushing) it was all worth it when they layed her on my tummy. My heart felt so big. I loved her so much and took charge. I kept her with me at all times the 2 days I was there. We planned the second baby & I was excited when my son arrived in this world. 4 hrs labor(& only 3 pushes) they put him on my tummy & he started to turn blue. They worked on him but had to rush him to the NICU where he spent a week. I left the hospital after 2 days. I walked out w/o my baby. Now that he's home I am not bonded with him. I am breastfeeding & I thought that would help. Tonight I looked down & started crying because he looked up at me & I felt guilty. Why haven't I bonded with him. I love him with all my heart but it's not the same as my daughter. What's wrong with me & how do I fix it?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I feel pregnant again!?

    I had my son 2 1/2 weeks ago and I felt fine but the last 2 days I feel sick to my stomach. I haven't ate anything all day. I also am having some sharp cramps in my stomach. Feels like morning sickness when I was pregnant. I am also very tired. Uhhh!

    I am not pregnant I know that for sure. What could be going on?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to tell my husband that I need a break!?

    I am 22 years old and I have 2 small kids. My daughter is 15 months and my son is 11 days. My husband is 33 and he works from 8-5 m-f. His job is stressful, but he does sit at a desk. I am a stay at home mom and I bring NO income into the home. I appreciate everything that my husband does for our family but I need a break. I have been pregnant for a year and 1/2 straight and now I am learning to transition from 1 child to 2. I am also breastfeeding my son and couldn't my daughter. All I do all day is chase her around while one is on the boob. Sometimes Both are screaming at the same time. I am a very organized person and keep up with my house work daily. I have supper on the table everyday when he walks in the door. I feel thats the least I can do since I don't work. My husband dosen't help that much. He plays with our daughter while I tend to the baby. I bathe both them and put them to sleep then he watches tv or gets computer time while I clean the kitchen.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of ants?

    Me and my husband have recently purchased a new house. It is an older house. I didn't notice Ants when we first moved in. Now I can't get rid of them. I keep all food and sweets ect cleaned up. I am mopping everyday now and cleaning all surfaces. I just mopped with bleach and I looked and there back. How do I get rid of them. We bought some kind of stuff you sprinkle around the outside of your house that they are supposed to eat. Then we bought some spray and sprayed it around the outside and the inside too. Help Me!!

    9 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I am gonna loose my mind?

    I have a 15 month old that is still taking a bottle and just now sleeping in her own bed. She is taking less naps. I have no clue how to take her bottle away. I am breatfeeding my baby and I pump too and I will catch her with his bottles.

    My son is 11 days old and had some breathing problems which caused him to spend 5 days in the NICU. I couldn't breastfeed my daughter because she wouldn't latch on. My son latches perfectly but he eats every 2 hrs sometimes more and cries all the time. I have no problem with my milk. It leaks out and I pump too. I am wondering what to do? I have to take care of her and a lot of the times I am running around the house after her with him stuck on the boob.

    I am trying my best to keep up with the house work but it is falling behind. I don't remember my daughter crying as much as he does. I am so tired. Only get about 3 hrs of sleep a night and now my daughter has decided to forgo her day nap so no napping for me. Help!!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • cleft palate question?

    My son was diagnosed with a submucous cleft palate and may require surgery. He is only 10 days old and I have to wait till he's 3 months before the surgery. Is there anyone out there that there child was also diagnosed with this and did it require surgery?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • nap time?????

    How many naps a day does your 15 month old take?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • question about the mucus plug?

    With my daughter I was 38 w 4 d and my water broke and they had to induce because contractions didn't start. I didn't pay attention to the mucus plug.

    I am 38 w 1 d with my son and I just got back from the DR and I am 3 cm and he can feel the baby's head. I have tried to pay attention when I go to the bathroom but I still think the plug is in there. The Dr said my cervix is almost gone. When will I loose the plug?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • kinda a gross question??

    I am sorry if this grosses any one out.

    I am 38 weeks pregnant. I have been 2 cm dialated for 3 weeks and have been having some contractions but there not regular. My major problem is for the last 2 days I have had diarreah. My diet hasn't changed or anything. I cant figure out why I am doing this. Has this happened this late in pregnancy?

    23 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago