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a question for mommas who don't vaccinate?

My son is 2 mths old and I am unsure if I am gonna vax or not. What made u decide to not vaccinate and I live in wv and it says that shots are required to go to school. What are u going to do when ur kids go to school.


okay okay. I said I havent made up my mind. I kinda like the idea of getting the inportant ones but how do i know which ones are inportant? And I am trying to limit the amount of lead and live vaccines that go into my child...

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both my twins were vaccinated and just to add i went to a child's funeral a few weeks ago he died from measles ...his mum was a total wreck says it all to me vaccinate your child !

  • 1 decade ago

    Do a lot of research so you can feel confident you've based your decision not on a whim. My girls have had some vaccinations and others I refuse to let them have.

    I wouldn't touch the MMR with a barge pole. The anecdotal evidence of autism occuring afterwards is just too overwhelming (despite what the health authorities say) and SBS in australia ran a documentary on a doctor who has done some very convincing research linking the autism with the introduced measles virus becoming attached to the intestines. I also personally know a lady who's 2 boys were fine, until they'd had the MMR - she now has a lifetime of caring ahead of her - career a distant memory. Not worth the risk to me. I'll get the girls a rubella shot when they're older though. No problem. And the mumps? Not dangerous for kids, but could cause sterility in post pubescents if the vaccine doesn't give lifetime coverage.

    At the hospital they tried to shoot up my few HOURS old babies with a HEP B shot! No thanks! They don't even know how long it will last in their system. I'm not against them having it in their teens with the rubella though.

    Tetanus and whooping cough? Yes please!

    Polio vaccine of years ago has been tentatively linked to lots of things - today seems safe enough, why not I thought.

    It's a really hard decision to make so just read and read and read. These are some of the conclusions I came to - might be right, might be wrong - who really knows? The main thing is I feel happy with my decisions and I don't know if I'm just lucky, but my girls are never sick. It sometimes makes me wonder what introducing all those things to an undeveloped body really does.....

    If you decide no - in australia we can sign a "conscientious objector form" which will still allow them into school and daycare. It's just that if there is an outbreak of a certain disease they will send your child home if they're not vaccinated. I can live with that. I imagine due to various religious beliefs, etc there would be similar things in other countries.

    good luck, whether you do or don't, or just go half way, make sure it's a decision you're happy with.

  • 1 decade ago

    I choose not to vaccinate my children. My first, now 4, is vaccinated to 2 years, something I do regret but luckily he had no ill effects. My second, now 18 months, is completely vaccine free, as will be my future children.

    I made this decision after much research, and my decision has nothing to do with the Autism theory(which I myself am not even fully convinced in). There is a lot more to concern over vaccinations than the Autism theory.

    These are a few reasons I do not vaccinate:

    A person would not normally contract 5 diseases at one time naturally, yet at 2, 4 and 6 mth. visits a baby is injected with five vaccines.

    There is no proof that vaccines are responsible for the decline in certain diseases - improved sanitation, medical care and less crowding may also have contributed to the decline in certain diseases. Most diseases decreased by over 95% BEFORE the introduction of vaccines.

    By vaccinating children, many cases of certain diseases (ex. measles, chicken pox) have now shifted to the adult population where the disease is often more serious and debilitating.

    Vaccines have not been tested for any possible carcinogenic (cancer causing), teratogenic (gene altering) effects or their effects on the reproductive system (it says this right in the product inserts from the manufacturers).

    Vaccines are not 100% effective so the child can still get the disease even if they are vaccinated and a child can actually get a disease sometimes from the vaccine if it is a live vaccine.

    After researching many of the diseases(like measles, mumps and polio), I found they are not as scary as the media hyped them to be, especially for a healthy immune system. Example: Polio is 90% asymptomatic.

    The same amount of vaccine that is given to a 4 yr. old is given to an 18 mth. old and a 2 mth. old, etc.

    I beleive the chance of dying or getting a serious side effect from the actual disease is much less than the chance of dying or getting an adverse reaction from the vaccine. The dieseases are not dangerous or deadly in most people.

    I believe that injecting my children with things such as formaldehyde, mercury (trace amounts), aluminium, paint thinner, coolant, anti-freeze, detergent phenols, MSG, plus dead animal tissue, aborted fetus tissue, mutated human and animal viruses, bacteria, antibiotics and animal, bacterial and viral DNA, is not particularly a good idea.


    I believe that every parent should research immunzations for themselves before they have them administered to their children. Research apart from their pediatrician. Pick a vaccine, research as much as you can about it and its respective disease. Then decide whether you want it given to your child or not. Biased information is hard to come by. Even the CDC has something to gain and lose from vaccines.

    Http:// and "What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Childhood Vaccinations" by Stephanie Cave are good resources.

    It is important to remember that vaccinations are not an all or nothing deal, you can pick and choose. It is also important to note that, while you can always go back and have them administered later if you choose, you can never take back what has already been given.

    And children can go to school and daycare without vaccinations. All states offer medical exemptions, all but 2 offer religious, and many offer philosophical exemptions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have chosen some vaccinations and not others. Some are really good for them , like MMR, and tetnis. But I find things like the chicken pox vaccine to be stupid. They wear off every so many years and once a child is a teen or older are they going to keep up with the chicken pox vaccine. Let the child get the chicken pox then they don't get them again, if they get it later in life it is then shingles and causes all kinds of issues.

    And required shots for school can be written off, they give you a form and you put you didn't get it and why.

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  • Wiss
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I was fine with the initial vaccinations, its the fad vax I have a problem with, like chicken pox and flu. I absolutely do not allow it, and I told the school I do not allow it as it is my right to say what goes into my child, and if she catches chicken pox it will be dealt with accordingly, just like every child in history. What the hell were they gonna do about it? Nothing, thats right.

  • Annie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Before I respond, I will say I have a child with autism. He has been, and will continue to recieve, all vaccines. Vaccination had no influence on his autism. Yes, some children react to the vaccinations and can develop autism or autism like symptomology. However, the majority of the parents I personally know (and this is backed by the current research) feel that vaccination were not a contributing factor to their child's autism. Very often, the emergence of the symptoms commonaly associated with autism "pop out" at between the ages of 12-18 months, which is when the majority of vaccinations occur. No one knows why...many think that it simply happens because this is the age when language and social development begin to be more intergral and noticeable....a young baby who isn't interested in being held or is overly fussy is often seen as a baby, while a toddler with the same issues is often checked for things like autism. Many of the original elements of the vaccines that were thought to cause the autism..specifically thermisil and mercury..have all but been eliminated from vaccines, yet autism rates continue to increase. Anecdotal evidence that there is little conncection to vaccines..maybe.

    For parents who are hesitant to vaccinate, I encourage speaking to your pediatrician about alternate vaccination schedules as well as discussing which vaccinations are the most important. Chicken pox can be deadly, but is not nearly as urgent as measles, mumps or rubella. The MMR can be broken down into seperate shots and given over a more extended schedule to reduce risk of reaction. Polio has been largely eradicated, so many parents have opted to skip that vaccination. However, in the past three years, there have been cases reported in the US, from a strain that is treatment resistant. I tend to feel that one is neccessary as well. All in all, you must balance the risk..which even anectodal evidence will point to being minimal...against the risk of contacting one of the diseases these shots can prevent...and these diseased can be deadly or leave long lasting issues such as developmental issues, blindness, hearing loss, etc.

    Almost all schools require vaccinations. In many states, laws have been passed that unless there is a clear medical or religous reason (and these must be can not claim to forgo vaccinations on religous grounds without being able to prove the religous affiliation in some way), parents can no longer waive the right to vaccinate. While I support all parents right to choose, I also support the public school to require children to be protected in order to protect other students, teachers and the community at large. In our global community, vaccinations serve a larger purpose..they not only protect your child, but the child who may be sitting next to them in class or on the bus. We have all seen what can happen when flu breaks out in a school...a classroom can be nearly empty in a week. Now imagine what could happen in measles or polio were able to be passed similarly....

    Do your with your with your local schools and find out where they stand on enforcing the reqiurment...then make an informed decision that feels right for you and your family.

  • Rachel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    have you ever seen a baby with Whooping cough? What about german measles? Could you forgive yourself if your child died from a preventable disease or was disabled for life due to Polio? It is your choice what you do but you have to live with the consequences. Usually your doctor can write you an exemption that can get your child into school.

  • MsET
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have 3 kids, now 24, 20, and 11...none were vaccinated with more than tetnus during emergency need of such...all are just fine.

    The reason I chose not to conform with the theories of Western Medicine, is because in over 20+ yrs. of research on the subject, I do not trust their perspective of the body vehicle, nor do I care for what they have become, or are heading to...which is a combined corporate conglomerate that consists of the AMA, the FDA, and the pharmaceutical industry. When they got Congress to pass a law to state that "Only a chemical drug can cure disease" they blew it big time, since I know this to be totally untrue, but it proved the power that they have achieved, which is no longer a 'service' to humanity, but a control factor of it.

    Consumerism, which encompasses everything you buy, including services, goods, etc., provides support of that business...I choose not to support unethical businesses, of which I believe Allopaths (anyone taught & 'practicing' in the ways of western medicine) to be part of such. I had to question the heavy drug inducement of women & children over the last 60 yrs., now heads turn to males needing sexual enhancement, everyone needing cholesterol, blood pressure, stress management--all in drug form...simply makes no sense when the causes of most of these issues is the chemicals being laced into the food sources of organic organisms...though they have secured their theories as the ONLY way to be 'cured' of such.

    I cannot trust today's industries, nor the governing wonders involved with them, to truly be caring of me or mine, health-wise--they have proven to be untrustworthy to that end many many times over, and continue on their rampage of preying on the ignorant through fear tactics. Sorry, but using fear as a means to promote your business is about as unethical as it gets. Knowledge is power, Oh Mighty Mom...start here: Check out the archived newsletters & subscribe to their e-mail news (free)--info worth having handy...great brain food. Keep going from there...lots of learning & confidence to be had.

    Just like when you are reading the labels on your foods--if you can't read it, don't eat it, kind of thing...If the side effects out weigh the possible benefits, I'm not a guinea pig. Did you know that a drug can kill 50% of lab rats and still make it to your medicine chest??? Yes, Maam!!!

    Anyway, this is my personal'll feel much more empowered to make wise decisions if you have the knowing...get on it!!! You have I-net...and access to every inkling of info you can imagine...

    Good Journey!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can have him vaccinated homeopathically, It is recognised by the government, It is not free but is safer.

  • 1 decade ago

    my 2 year old is all vaxed up. i never thought once to not get her vax on time. i dont see anything wrong. and she has no signs of anything wrong eather. i think its fine to vax them.. well i will not have that probably when she goes to school casue she has them all.. but you can do it at diffrent times they dont have to be all at once ether.

    Source(s): mother of a 2 year old
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