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How can I convince hubby for another baby?

Okay I have a 16 mth old daughter and a 2 month old son. I am not wanting to get pregnant right away but I am defintly wanting another baby. I am only 22 years old.

Now hubby is 33 and he is a coal miner. I am a stay at home momma whom breastfeeds and cloth diapers both kiddo's. We can def afford more kids.

He has a son from a previous marriage whom is 13. My husband says NO to more kids. hmmmm He says we got one of each and he wants to enjoy his life when the kids get older & move out. He thinks he's an old man :) I do most of the work anyways. He is a great dadda. I love being a mom and I want at least 1 more child and since my other 2 are close I want this one kinda close too.

It seems unfair for him just to say NO , what am I supposed to do? You only have one chance at life and I want to raise a family, and I am blessed to have the 2 beautiful children that I have but want more. What can I do? Has anyone else had this problem?


It kills me that people assume that a 22 year old is stupid. And selfish yeah right. I do it all. I have not been bringing it up much, I am gonna wait another year. I wanted to wait a little while anyways, and 3 isn't too much. I have both my kids in cloth diapers and still breastfeed my toddler thank you very much~~~ What about me resenting him. I want another baby and hopefully we can resolve this matter in a year or 2.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your only 22 !

    If your hubby doesn't want anymore children then that should be it for now anyway, i respected my hubby when he said he wanted 'NO' more children then that was it .. he may well change is mind ..why is there such a rush ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, this is a difficult question because it has no right answer. If you are trying to convince him and you're successful then he might resent you one day for persuading him into something he didn't want to do. You have to look at his point of view, too. What would you want in his situation? In my opinion, it is too soon to start thinking about having another baby when you have a 2 month old and a 16 month old. You two need to have a long conversation together where you both need to express your concerns, fears, hopes, and goals. Maybe he has some fears that you can ease, maybe not. Perhaps you will see his side and agree with him. If he still doesn't want one then there's nothing you can do about it. It might seem unfair but would you really want your husband to resent you and your baby? Basically, you need to sincerely listen to his opinions and respect his decision and he needs to do the same for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give your husband some time. And yes, he can just say no, because you BOTH have to be on board with it. You really can't push a situation like this, because he has a say too. The more you ask, the more he going to dig in and say no, so concentrate on the two beautiful babes you have. In a years time, mention it again when you're both in a good mood and ask him again why he doesn't want any more kids.

    Remember that you're already raising a family. A third child doesn't suddenly constitute a family.

    Your children will love a little sibling even when they are older, so keep this quiet for a time and let him stew on it.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Humble opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have a great maternal instinct and are a born mummy. I think that it's just because your youngest is only 2 mths old. You are both still young and I think that he will be OK once things settle down a lot. I have 4 kids and I wish I could of had more but my health issues have stopped me. So I know what it's like to want more. Children are a wonderful blessing and they give you such warm unconditional love and what's not to love about them. Sorry getting all clucky lol. I say give it some time and it will be OK. Best of luck to you and I hope it all works out.

    Source(s): Life and Mum of 4 wonderful children.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Your baby is only 2 months old. Give your hubby some time to take the newborn in before bombarding him with questions like that. It stresses men out. After things get a bit easier is when you should ask. Good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he doesn't want anymore kids you shouldn't try to change his mind. You should of found that stuff out before you decided to make a family. Your young, I think he's more mature and wiser than you and he supports you and his kids if your all happy why try to change that. I think your being selfish trying to make him want more kids that he may not want.

    I'm not trying to be mean... just honest.

    Source(s): Wifey and mommy of 2
  • 1 decade ago

    No.. i don't have any children But you should wait intill your children are older before having another one.. You'll be putting more on your plate then you can handle. perhaps your husband would agree wouldn't he?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol another baby making machine ..pop em out one after another

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You shouldnt have to convince him if he dosnt want one then that should be the end of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    spread ur legs

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