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  • What section of the store can I find fenugreek?

    My daughter is about 6 months old both breastfeeding and supplementing with formula, as I have issues pumping. My WIC consultant suggested I try fenugreek to help with my supply and that it might help with pumping. I tried the local pharmacy (walgreens) by the pharmacy department near the supplements, but I could not find it. If they would have it at any store what section would it be in? Or do i need to find it online? I want to stop needing formula so if there are any suggestions, they are welcomed. I also heard about mothers tea or something, where could I find that? Thanks^^

    Edit: I forgot to add that the store staff had no idea what I was talking about at both the grocery store and walgreens. They showed me the baby section, but it is not there. Thanks.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Getting out of the house?

    Hello all. Thanks for reading.

    I have been exclusively breastfeeding my little girl. This past weekend my husband and I decided we would go on our first date (since having her). She is just about 18 weeks old now so it has been quite some time since we last went out due to having her (of course) and the difficult last month of pregnancy. I have been feeling really stressed out lately and was really looking forward to getting out to see a movie (Watchmen if you wanna know, lol) Anyway, I worked for two weeks to pump two 6 ounce bottles for her while I was gone. I also pumped a little for daddy to give her to get her used to the bottle after my milk came all the way in. (after 6 weeks old) So, we pumped out extra money for a babysitter and went on our way. 15 minutes into the movie, I have to come back for her because the babysitter can't handle her because I am gone. After this I have noticed how I can not even go grocery shopping either without her going crazy and she is with daddy at home.

    What do I need to do to get an hour or two to myself a week? She is old enough now and even though it is hard, I also pump bottles for her. Aside from trying to go when she sleeps what can I do? My two boys were not like this at all, and when I was ready I could leave the first time, so I really need help. I'm getting depressed and worried about having PPD, but I just want to try and go and get my hair cut or maybe see a movie first before thinking deeper into that.


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are gift cards received from a bank as rewards considered taxable income?

    Hello! Throughout 2008, my hubby and I have built up points through a rewards program with our bank, we then used these points to receive gift cards for restaurants that we frequent. Will we need to report these rewards as miscellaneous taxable income? Will we get a 1099 from the bank? (as we can not figure out how many we received or how much they were throughout the entire year.)

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • What can be some solutions to my problems with pumping breast milk?

    I exclusively breastfeed my six week old. I have been trying to pump to build up a "stash" of breast milk. First I tried to set aside a time in which I would pump everyday. However, since I feed as needed or "on demand" it was futile. So, under the advice of others I have been trying to pump after I feed my daughter. I do not do this every time I nurse as I have two older children during the day and at night it is just too much work. So I do this after hubby gets home to help me. (Pumping is quite alot of work) The problem I am having is that I only produce a very small amount, if any at all. I do experience let down sometimes (yes, again) but oftentimes I see nothing. The amount is always less than an ounce total from both breasts. Is this because I do not try as often or because I wait until after I nurse to pump? Or is this just weird? I would really like to build up a stashed supply and am looking for answers. What helped you, if you nursed, to pump?

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Bowel Movements and the exclusively breastfed baby? ?

    My daughter is six weeks old. From reading some material given to me in the hospital, I know that it is "normal" for her, at this age, to skip a couple of days and not have a bowel movement. We are going on day number 4. I was just wondering if any other mothers went through this and after how many days should I be concerned? The literature states 4-12 days, but that seems so very long. By the way, she shows no signs of constipation, she is a very content little girl.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I am currently breastfedding and am having an acne issue. Is there anything to be concerned about health-wise?

    Hello. I am currently breastfeeding my little girl who is just about 2 weeks old. The problem is that my acne has gotten worse since having her. (It was pretty bad while pregnant) I have learned that it is quite normal as my hormones are still trying to find a balance. However, the acne has begun spreading to places that I have never had acne before, including my neck shoulders, back and as I just noticed while feeding her a bit ago, on the aereola (sp?) of my breasts. I am concerned about this but was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them before while breastfeeding and if it is something to be concerned about or not. I plan to call the doctors office in the morning, but I am hoping that someone who has experienced this can help ease my fears or let me know if it is serious so I do not sit up worrying all night. Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it considered normal to have bloody show at 31 weeks? ?

    Hello. I am not sure of what is exactly going on down there, but it seems that my discharge (I know, I know TMI) has bloody show as well as being sticky and stringy looking. (Color wise- it is sometimes clear, sometimes yellowish and a couple times greenish (yuck!!!)) I looked it up and it points towards the loss of the mucus plug, which I did not experience until the labor process with my previous two pregnancies. I also read that it is something that happens anywhere from 36 weeks onward.

    I can not call the doctor until Tuesday, so I am hoping to find out if it is okay to wait until Tuesday considering how early it is or if I should call the emergency nurse line. I am not having any cramping or contractions, so that is why I am not really worried. But I still feel weird about it and uneasy.

    Thank you all in advance for your answers and help.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding question...?

    First of all, I want to say that this is a serious question. Very serious. Many couples try to continue to have a deep "connection" after a baby is born. (Of course I mean sex and foreplay, etc)

    One problem I have personally encountered is that my husband did not and does not want to have anything to do with my breasts while I breastfeed. (And to clarify: I of course do not mean at the same time.) I was wondering if anyone else had a hubby like this and how they handled it. I personally feel that the two things are separate and that it does not make sense that he would not be intimate with me in this specific way. He feels that it is uncomfortable for him to do anything about that area because of the baby. He told me he wonders if I am crazy or sick, but they are obviously very different things and I would never want him to try to "get milk" or anything, it just that he would not even touch me there previously.

    Now I asked him this time (we are expecting our third) if he would forgo this craziness if I exclusively pumped after my milk fully came in and he said that it would make it a non-issue. so I researched it and found that it would be very hard to keep up with my 2 year old, 4 year old, and my newborn if I only pumped.

    so anyway I was wondering if anyone else had to deal with this and if so how did you handle it? Are there any other compromises I am not thinking of? Should this really not be an issue? (I have dealt with it before... twice, even though one time was very short lived, so I am sure i can deal with it again.)

    Just to note: I will not compromise giving my child breast milk and he has not asked this of me and never would.

    thanks all in advance for answering this weird question.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Looking for suggestions on a middle name?

    Hello everyone. I recently found out I am having a baby girl and wanted to find some names that would go in the middle of Kimi (pronounced just like Kimmy) and Anderson. I was thinking something along the lines of Ann, but I do not like it much and I do not think it flows well. I also thought of Rae (like Ray) but the hubby doesn't like it. So, do you have any ideas? Thanks for any input!

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • My four year old has regressed in potty training (again), how can I get him back on track.?

    Recently, my four year old has began to regress in his potty training. He has been wetting himself throughout the day. He has been trained for quite a while, and has regressed before, but it did not take much to get him back on track. This time, he keeps wetting himself throughout the day. (He does not poop on himself at all, he makes sure to go to the bathroom for that.) Anyway, I have tried pinpointing why this is happening and the only thing I can think of is that I have started potty training our younger boy, who is 2. I give the younger boy stickers when he goes. But, even after the younger one has not gotten any stickers for two days, the older one still wets himself.

    My husband does not think I should just give my older son stickers, because he is a big boy and big boys go to the potty. I have tried explaining that to my son, but it goes nowhere fast. I have tried going back to what feels like constantly reminding him to go to the bathroom. -Please read additional details-

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Moms please help. Is there a similar safe toy out there I can buy?

    Hi all. My grandmother purchased a set of toys for my kids last Christmas called Magtastik. (Preschool magnetic building system) My kids love them so I recently decided to buy more, only to find out today that every single kind and Magnetics brand (JR) have been recalled.

    I was wondering if any parents know of similar toys I can buy? They are so much fun to my 4 and 2 year old.

    Oh heres a link to the toys:

    and the recall:

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • I have an anxiety issue, please help. How to handle anxiety?

    Hello all. I am going to be taking my drivers test soon and I'm really anxious and panicky about it. This is not my first time taking the test, it is actually my fifth time. I tried when I was 16, but I couldn't stop shaking long enough to get through any sort of cone. They would not let me take the road portion. (I have never done the road portion.) I took it again at 17 and 18 and had the same problem.

    I am 23 and only recently gained the courage to call and make another appointment (which is another issue in itself). I am really nervous already, I don't know how to curb the anxiety. I drive with my permit all the time, I practice with the cones and always get through them with no issues. So, its not like I have failed because I can not drive safely or correctly. I just can't stop shaking.

    Anyway, how can I calm myself down for this test. I have 2 kids and another on the way and really need a license. If it helps, I am in Ohio. Thank you.

    13 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Stimulus check question. Bank account has closed that return was originally deposited to.?

    Hi all. Asking for a friend here. My friend's tax return was directly deposited into her boyfriends bank account. The account has since closed. will the IRS automatically send a check or does she have to call the IRS and let them know?

    Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Nightmares while pregnant?

    Hi all. For the past three days, I have been having terrible terrible nightmares. Normally, I do not even remember dreaming, but these past three nights have been very hard on me. They are very bloody ghostly and vivid scary dreams (as if im right there), and I'm worried that something is wrong? Has anyone else experienced this and should I seek help? I'm 14 weeks along if that helps.

    Also, I think it may have started since I saw "I am legend" (I didn't think it would be scary- the book wasn't) about a week ago and then I watched CSI last night and these are not things I normally watch. I have also been scared of the dark a bit too recently>< Would that have an effect as well?

    How can I make them stop? Is it possible?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A little over 2 years ago....?

    Hi everyone. A little over 2 years ago, I found out my husband was having an affair. We were not married at the time, but I was pregnant with our second child. Anyway, it took a long long time for us to work through it and we thought we were past it. Well, yesterday the girl came to the door where we used to live and where my father resides to tell me that he may be the father of a baby that she had. I do not know when she had the baby or anything, but now we are supposed to go and get a paternity test. She already had another paternity test from another guy, but he signed the birth certificate and is applying for custody of the child. The reason she contacted us, she says, is because if she can prove who the father really is, he will go away. She says she will not ask for child support and does not want us to have visitation with the child. (a boy). The problem is that my husband is okay with it! I am feeling like I can't be with him anymore if he is going to be a dead beat dad!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I think I may have strep throat and I am pregnant, will that cause any complications? Should I be worried?

    Hi everyone. I am 11 weeks pregnant. Yesterday around 5pm my throat started hurting all of the sudden. It hasn't gone away. (its 5:23 AM here now) It is not affecting my voice, which is something I have never experienced before. I also tried to drink some tea, but it did not ease my pain at all, which is also unusual. So, I think it may be strep throat. I read a little about it because I have never had it before, and I learned its very contagious. I'm worried about my 2 sons and I'm worried about the baby. Should I be worried?

    I can't call my doctor yet, but if anyone else has experienced this before and it turns out to be something to worry about, there is a 24 hour number I can call to try to get an appointment with another doctor.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How stressful is a career in medical billing and coding?

    Hi! I recently found out that I am pregnant with my third child. Before this news, I was studying to become a nurse. However with three children, I do not feel that I can handle the stress of the nursing field. So I was wondering if anyone in the medical billing/coding field feels as if their job is particularly stressful?

    Do you think that it would be less stressful than nursing? What type of schooling would I need?

    Also, I have been studying online/ community college part-time. I do not want to work until my children are closer to school age.

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • 7 weeks pregnant, Is it okay to take OTC allergy medication?

    Hi! I was wondering if it is generally safe for a 7 week pregnant woman (myself :)) to take an over the counter allergy medicine? I am unsure of what my problem is exactly but I need something to help, if possible. I have an appointment soon.

    I have read that Claritin is okay (as long as it is not claritin D) but it was stated that it was only okay after 12 weeks. Is there anything I could take now that is OTC?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to develop seasonal allergies later in life?

    Or other allergies that can be related to being indoors or outdoors? What about food allergies?

    I developed an allergy to a medicine later in life- but I am not sure if it can happen with other types of things.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Potty question for a confused 4 year old boy about standing up to pee?

    My son is 4 and has been potty trained for awhile after many hardships to get him there. We decided it was time to let him stand up to pee at home so that it would be easier to take him to the bathroom when we go out.

    So after having dad help him get it right, he has decided to stand up every time he goes to the bathroom. So after the first accident, I always make sure to ask him if he has to go poop or pee before he goes into the bathroom, but every time he just tells me he has to pee. I have tried stressing to him that you have to sit down if you feel the need to poop but I am not getting through. Any advice?

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago