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How to tell my husband that I need a break!?

I am 22 years old and I have 2 small kids. My daughter is 15 months and my son is 11 days. My husband is 33 and he works from 8-5 m-f. His job is stressful, but he does sit at a desk. I am a stay at home mom and I bring NO income into the home. I appreciate everything that my husband does for our family but I need a break. I have been pregnant for a year and 1/2 straight and now I am learning to transition from 1 child to 2. I am also breastfeeding my son and couldn't my daughter. All I do all day is chase her around while one is on the boob. Sometimes Both are screaming at the same time. I am a very organized person and keep up with my house work daily. I have supper on the table everyday when he walks in the door. I feel thats the least I can do since I don't work. My husband dosen't help that much. He plays with our daughter while I tend to the baby. I bathe both them and put them to sleep then he watches tv or gets computer time while I clean the kitchen.


I know he needs his time for himself, but I also need time for myself. How can I tell him this. I am tired. I feel like I do everything. I am lacking sleep bad! He dosen't get up with the kids. I don't want to complain or us get into a fight but how do I make him understand all that I do and have him appreciate me a little more~

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First you have to decide what type of break you want. If you want a weekend that may be a little harder to orchestrate. If you just want a night out then organize something with a girlfriend and say "Friday night I'm going to dinner with so&so." He is not your father, you don't need his permission. Just tell him. Of course do it in a nice way. Make sure to have stuff ready for him ex; pumped milk, diaper and stuff, maybe a new story for bedtime.

    If you'd had a really bad day then hand him the baby after dinner and say I'm going to get a soda. Drive to a gas station and grab a drink and a snack and sit in the car with some tunes and rock out for a second. Or any music you like. It doesnt' need to be a huge ordeal but maybe just a few minutes to be yourself will help. Or go for a walk by yourself.

    Just hand your husband the baby and say you're going out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell him exactly what you just said right here. If he loves you he will understand. Or talk about getting a mother's helper. I am a nanny and the last family I worked with the mother was a stay at home mom, but just needed help because she had a newborn and a 4 year old. So I would clean while she feed the baby, or I would feed the baby while she went to the grocery store. I also watched the children while she took a nap so she could catch up on the rest she was losing at night. Its a great investment and will take a lot of stress and pressure off your shoulders!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have 2 girls in close ages as well. I started asking for 1 hr or excape time for my self a day when my hubby had been home for an hour after work each day. Yea he didnt quite get it right away but I said, Im a SAHM I deal with kids constantly and if your in a bad mood it doesnt help if Ive had a bad day either. I need my own time. So he agreed to just hanging out with the kids for 1 hr aday while I went for a walk, did some errands I know he would never do or just went and window shopped at the mall. Its a huge help for me and Might work for you too. Good luck best wishes and many blessings on your new arrival. Good luck

    Source(s): Mom of taylor "just turned"6 and JJ 3
  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with the other ladies, show him this question or leave it on the table one day when he sits down to eat. I always tell my husband, "if i'm not happy, no one in the house will be either!" He's known that to be true unfortunately but it's worked, me bringing that to his attention. I also support the nanny idea but maybe instead of hiring it, you could ask a family member. It would be cheaper and also would give the family time to bond with the new relatives. Good luck and just remember, these are the easy days!

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  • 1 decade ago

    You have to be honest. If he gets mad, then he gets mad, but you've got to do this for your family. A stressed out mom is no fun at all. Taking care of mommy should be on the top of everyone's list. It's better for the kids and your marriage. Maybe he just really doesn't understand what's going on. You've spoiled him! ; ) 8-5 m-f is NOTHING compared to being a mommy at home. I've worked both jobs and being a mom is much much more stressful than working.

    Source(s): Stay-at-home mom of 4.
  • 1 decade ago

    Print out this question and show it to him, you are overworked, being a parent 24/7 is hard work. or if you dont want to do that, talk about getting a sitter so you can go out (alone or with him) for some adult time to keep your sanity.

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