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I am gonna loose my mind?

I have a 15 month old that is still taking a bottle and just now sleeping in her own bed. She is taking less naps. I have no clue how to take her bottle away. I am breatfeeding my baby and I pump too and I will catch her with his bottles.

My son is 11 days old and had some breathing problems which caused him to spend 5 days in the NICU. I couldn't breastfeed my daughter because she wouldn't latch on. My son latches perfectly but he eats every 2 hrs sometimes more and cries all the time. I have no problem with my milk. It leaks out and I pump too. I am wondering what to do? I have to take care of her and a lot of the times I am running around the house after her with him stuck on the boob.

I am trying my best to keep up with the house work but it is falling behind. I don't remember my daughter crying as much as he does. I am so tired. Only get about 3 hrs of sleep a night and now my daughter has decided to forgo her day nap so no napping for me. Help!!!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow.... you got 3 whole hours of sleep with a newborn? You're lucky!

  • liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I understand perfectly where you are, just seven months ago I had my second daughter. I was really rough at first. She skipped out on naps for a while too. I finally got her in her routine again. I would suggest reading a book to your daughter while you are breastfeeding. This will keep her out of stuff. It will get easier soon I promise, just hang in there. My daughter would also try to take the babies passy or even try to nurse off of me. I just let her, she would take a couple sips of the breastmilk than spit it out. It only took a few times of her doing that before she didnt want to any more. Best of Luck to ya!

    As for the house work, do you have anyone who can come over and watch the babies while you get some stufff done? I am also a baby wearing mama. I would fold laundry and wash dishes with my baby in the sling. It worked great. They sleep so well when they are bundled with mommy.

    Source(s): mommy of two,one still breastfeeding
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe she is jealous? With a new baby in the house that can be a drastic change for any other children in the house. Maybe when the newborn is sleeping and the 15month old is awake, spend some time with her? I don't really understand what you mean about the breastfeeding thing, what does that have to do with the 15 month old taking the baby bottles. I'm confused about that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Does your mother, or another relative/friend, live nearby? It is not unreasonable to ask them to come over and lend a hand once in awhile. Or take the older child out for the afternoon (maybe even on a weekend sleepover), to give you a MUCH-NEEDED break. These early days of BFing are difficult and chasing after a toddler doesn't make things any easier. I wish you the best. Congratulations on your baby and hang in there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you need to be strong with her and make her have at least quite time in her room either with some soft music or a movie. put a black out curtain up so that it is dark in her room. about the bottle i went cold turkey with my son and kept all bottles out of reach when my daughter was born. try taking her out just you and her and have her pick out new big girl cups because bottles are for babies and she doesn't want to be a baby anymore since she is a big girl now.

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