If Iran can't execute virgins, how are 9 year girls legally executed?


Get out of my pocket!2009-07-20T20:54:47Z

Favorite Answer

How can anyone consider a 9 yr old girl a woman? That is insane! But we are talking about a people that have shown so much insanity in their views.


I don't know about the 9 year old thing and if it has anything to do with the age of consent (and the supposed age of Muhammad's youngest wife) but it does seem that forced marriages (rape) to get around the ban of execution of female does seem to be part of Iranian law. A few sources here:


The so called religion of peace has no age of consent but insists on marriage before sex is allowed. The girl is then the property of the guard and has to obey his command. The girl could be much younger and still receive the same treatment.
Sharia Law is the basis for this tragedy.

It's not PC to criticize Islam though. So it must be caused by the bible clinging Christian rednecks.


its a shame that the girls have to go through two types of execution ,First the rape then the final judgment not fair not fair at all it would be better if the virgins could be executed as they are then they would have something to live for


Interesting & disturbing read!

In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."

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