Can there be thought without knowledge?

Can a thought be formed without knowledge? Or is knowledge required to precede thought?


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I believe that knowledge leads the way..


Babies have thought without knowledge, and so did early man. I think thought is required to gain knowledge, but not the other way around. Although through thinking, knowledge is gained automatically.


Does instinct count as knowledge?

"I'm hungry." In order to think these WORDS I'd need knowledge of the language, but to feel hunger and seek food is instinctual. Knowledge of where the food is, or if it's poisonous, rotten, ripe, or edible? That's intertwined with instinct too. I'm sure if there were no signs that read "RESTAURANT" in flashing neon letters, we'd still be able to find food albeit, with more difficulty considering our hunter/gatherer skills might be a bit rusty.


Thought is just the process of moving from a mental state of doubt to a mental state of belief. No "knowledge" necessarily involved.


Knowledge is required.

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