Should we have kodak cameras at all at our wedding?

A few hours ago someone asked if it was worth having a wedding photographer instead of kodak cameras and obviously everybody agreed.

What I want to know is, is it worth having kodak cameras aswell... some people have said that it was a complete waste of money having them...

Are they a good idea or not as an extra... or should I expect people to just bring digital cameras if they own them. I see mnay people do that now.


Favorite Answer

Everyone I’ve known that has done it, said it ended up being a waste of money.
You get blurry shots, butt shots, 35 pictures of the back of Aunt Mary’s head – that sort of thing. The beauty of digital photography is that you don’t have print pictures that didn’t turn out. When you give your guests disposable cameras – you have no idea what is on there. And you’re stuck paying for the pictures, no matter how they turn out.
I’d say save the money you’d spend on cameras and put it towards your honeymoon – or better yet – just don’t spend it!


I agree with the others so far... DONT wate the money. The last two weddings i have been two have had al the pictures posted on facebook by all the people that went there! So many bring digital cameras that you will have loads of pictures to remember those moments.

However, I cant stress enough what those other people have told you about having a professional wedding photographer. IF you are a planning a destination wedding by any chance then check the site in the source. He is a fantastic wedding photographer.

seeyouthen! andy2009-07-24T05:25:30Z

I always answer that question with: What are you trying to accomplish by buying disposable cameras?

Here are some options:
1) Fun way for the kids to fill the time filling the cameras with pictures
Go for it, they're fun for the kids, don't expect great quality
2) Some snapshots in case the photographer misses something
People might take a few photos and might give them to you
and people know the drill they'll typically take shots for you. Typically low volume and low quality. They're fun to give as a favor.
3) I want a bunch of photos, the more the better, for every event
High quality digital photos that I can keep forever. I want everyone to be able to participate and I want everyone to download all the photos.
I want to know who contributed the photos so that I can thank them. These photos are as important to me as the photos that will be taken by my professional photographer.

Ok, so now you're talking. You need a plan! Create a photo exchange as early as possible, let everyone know your intentions of capturing every moment and start today, ask everyone to bring their digital to every event (showers, parties, etc) and ask people to take pictures "for you"! Create an account today at See You Then and start collecting photos, send your website address in every electronic and physical correspondence and prepare to smile a lot! Get started by downloading the free report at SeeYouThen.

Good Luck collecting!


We didn't have the kodaks at my daughter's wedding. We debated alot about this and decided not to have them. SO glad we didn't waste the money. So many of the guests had digital cameras and we have literally 100s and 100s of pictures that the guests alone have shared with us (let alone what the photographer took). No need to waste your money on those cheap cameras.


Well, I thought about doing this at my wedding reception. I thought about putting them on the guest tables or putting them on all on one table and the guest will take as many pictures as possible and when done turn them back in. This can be a good idea because you are going to get great pictures of your guest and maybe you and your husband. I told my sister this and she said this will not work because guest are going to be taking pictures and taking the camera home with them.
This can be fun, but it is up to you. Your guest at the ceremony will have their own personalized cameras. Just remember the word "CAN BE" if done right. I do agree with others this can be a waste of money.

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