How do you make your peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

Do you put the jelly on first or the peanut butter on first? And what's your favorite jelly?


Favorite Answer

crunchy peanut butter on both sides of soft whole wheat bread and strawberry on one side then add cut up banana slices on top of that then add the other slice of bread. cut cross ways and then enjoy with a glass of cold milk.


If it is being packed in a lunch (not eaten right away) I put peanut butter on both slices of the bread, and grape jelly in the middle. It doesn't get soggy that way.
He will only eat grape jelly, I will eat almost any, but I am not fond of seeds.


I put the peanut butter on one piece of bread and then put the jelly on the other. I like strawberry jelly the best. :]

Evil kitten (back up)2009-07-24T18:52:39Z

First Jelly then jelly. I dont like peanut butter.


I put the peanut butter on first and then the jelly. My favorite jelly is seedless blackberry.

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