If the Republicans had their way, would they get rid of Medicare?

The budget battle of 1996 pitted Clinton versus a Republican Congress. The Republicans wanted deep cuts in Medicare, which would have been a first step to gutting/killing the program.

If they got their way, would we be better off?

Why don't Republicans come out now and propose getting rid of Medicare, if they really fear any form of (what they call) 'socialized medicine'?


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Republicans count on senior citizens to vote. Much as they would love to get rid of Medicare it won't fly with their constituents.


Getting rid of Medicare would be hard to do when they are fighting just to keep America America.

My ex-wife was from Canada and I lived there for about 8 months. Our first child was born their. After he was born, my wife spent 3 days on the phone about 3 hours each day before she found a pediatrician that was taking patients.

Then a few days after that my wife got what is called Ball's Palsy. Her faced drooped and she had sever swelling in her jaw and mouth.

I never heard of it but the swelling was so painful. We went to the hospital in Winnipeg. She was crying and we waited in the Emergency room from 7pm until 3am and she had cried so much and had so much pain and was so exhausted we left. We came back the next morning around 10 because it never go better.

Again we waited for another 7 hours and then when she finally went to see a doctor they looked at it and then sent her to emergency surgery.

The inside of her mouth swelled so much that her teeth were ripping into her gums and the side of her mouth. They had to remove three of her teeth.

If they had only seen her the night before she may have been able to keep the teeth.


Label me Liberal2009-08-04T05:06:21Z

We would be much better off to make them both private. All of your retirement would be invested into the stock market where an investment firm would manage your investment for a fee, percentages would not work as the stock market seems to rise and fall. This would not be fair to the private organization (Acorn like but conservative) managing your retirement. Upon retirement if you are lucky enough to have enough money in your retirement fund, you can make monthly payments for insurance this way the burden is not put onto the hardworking man and woman of this country. At the rate health insurance is raising it will take over $500,000 to insure someone for 10 years after they retire. This will not cover medication, doctor visits, or outpatient services. What retirement plan will enable you to pay for your insurance. Hope you put away some money for utilities, auto insurance, oh and food.


The dont wanna get rid of Medicare now.
1996 was a long time ago..before this economy ****...before 9/11
alot has changed.
they dont wanna get rid of it at all now. they just dont want universal healthcare


nobody will do anything to medicare. anyone that will change will be voted out very fast. but it will be out of money in 10 years

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