Is Obama telling the press that what he wants, is more important than what the people want?

Obama said today that he was going to get the reform he wants even if he has to completely alienate legislators(and the people they represent). He care for no one or nothing but the destruction of America.



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That is exactly what he is saying.Does he even know what Democracy means?? I hate him. All he does is yell at all Americans in every speech,threaten and apologize. DO NOT apologize for me. Do you remember him saying that he could overhaul healthcare without increasing our taxes one cent???.......................Neither does he.


I regarded up all the republican well-being care amendments, and easily one, HR3200 does something approximately preexisting situations, dropped coverage, or preventative care. many of the different amendments are approximately unmarried subject concerns, like tax deductions for rates, or tort reform. enable's no longer forget they had administration for 6 years recently, and did no longer something, different than a sweetheart deal for the drug businesses.


I noticed you did not use quotation marks so you can reword what he actually said. Your own little "spin" so to speak. I am posting a link so persons can read exactly what he said.
Obama promises health overhaul with or without GOP - Yahoo! News


Yes that is what he's saying. I think he needs to get an attitude adjustment. 2010 is not that far off.


he told people he was going to "reform" before getting elected so why are the neocons shocked, he won huge may I add

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