No psoriasis treatments that I've tried work well. Have you found anything that does work?

I was on Enbrel which did reduce my psoriasis. I had repeated infections and was unable to continue using it. All of the topicals are useless so far. Anyone have any advice, alternatives or home remedies to suggest? Thank you in advance!!


I had a 13 year history of psoriasis, though I was in good health otherwise. But these severe large, thick and scaly excoriated plaques on my neck, ears, trunk and limbs ruined the way I was leading my life. I would be with red, inflamed itchy skin for most part of the year and these silvery scales would seem to be erupting without any reason. To make matters worse, blisters would appear over already red and itching skin. It was living hell.

I was treated with various options but nothing seemed to be working. Some of the treatments that I underwent in this depressing period of 13 years included tar preparation, tropical steroids and anthralin. I was also given light therapy many times but everything I tried would give me temporary relief.

And soon, after a few days I would be plagued with the situation again. In one of those moments when I was completely lost I stumbled upon this website just by chance. I read it and felt that as if someone had put the story my life on this web page. I was thoroughly convinced that if ANYONE can cure me of condition, it would be you.

And was I right, or what. I started recovering within 3 days of starting this treatment. Something that had become a painful part of me for 13 years was actually getting healed! My ears are healed and my neck is smooth again!. I am a month into the treatment and I have never felt better in my life!

Psoriasis Revolution?


Cure psoriasis starting today - even if your doctor or dermatologist says "it's impossible!"
I've just followed a guide called psoriasis free for life that completely cured me of this debilitating and embarrassing disease in less than a month!
Remember, this will not only treat the symptoms that you do see:
the red, inflamed itchy skin.
The silvery scales that seem to erupt for no reason.
The burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints.
The cracking, oozing and painful patches on your skin.
But it also treats the underlying cause of psoriasis - the part you don't see - the actual immune system deficiency that causes these itchy patches to appear and scale over.
For more information, check here : .
You can definitely get back your life, your confidence and your self esteem!


The main cause of psoriasis is overreaction of the immune system. I try to eat healthy food and avoid stress as much as I can in order to prevent flare-ups.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use herbal remedies from, which aim at the root of the disease - the immune system, and are steroid-free.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my skin has been cleared up and now I just continue with anti-psoriasis extract, which controls the immune system. My skin has been clear for months now.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.


There is a great field of natural treatments for psoriasis for those who want the adventure of natural treatments. With the researching for a fit natural treatment, you do not only learn about how to treat your condition, but also how to take care of your overall health, which is a big plus for just about anyone. You can try ground neem and tumeric for a Siddha treatment paste, applied to patients with psoriasis. Not all forms of psoriasis can be treated with the same natural herbs but the advantage of herbal medicine is that it is basically a low risk form of treatment.


Get your thyroid checked. A lot of times people have psoriasis due to an overactive thyroid. An over active thyroid affects your auto immune system and is the reason alot of people have psoriasis. You can look up the connnections between a thyroid and psoriasis on yahoo or google. I got mine checked this week and it turns out I have an over active thyroid and a regular thyroid medicine will probably help my psoriasis symptoms.

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