If I drink 5 energy drinks in under an hour, will it kill me?
Sums it up.
Doesn't scare me, I really wanna try lol
LOL, screw you man LOL
I'm 6'1'' and 130 pounds.
I had 12 cokes in one night, severe stomach problems, that was it. I even slept fine.
Sums it up.
Doesn't scare me, I really wanna try lol
LOL, screw you man LOL
I'm 6'1'' and 130 pounds.
I had 12 cokes in one night, severe stomach problems, that was it. I even slept fine.
Evolving Awareness
Favorite Answer
depends on your tolerance and body weight. I drank 2500mg of caffeine in a night and was fine minus extreme jitters and indigestion.
the average 20oz energy drink has less than 200mg of caffeine in it, so that would only be about 1000mg of caffeine. which is supposedly not enough to kill any normal size person.
you will be fine, you weigh more and are taller than me. you also seem to drink caffeine more than me.
* LD50 = dose which will kill 50% of the tested animals. It is estimated that fatal doses for humans are between 3 and 20 grams of caffeine taken orally, depending on body weight and tolerance.
3 grams is equal to 3000mg or roughly 15 strong energy drinks. which would all have to be drank within 1 hour.
but with a tolerance it is doubtful that would even do anything.
One of my friends knew someone who drank energy drinks (I can't remember how many, but it was a lot, like that much) every day (I think it was red bull, though). He was fine. Or so he thought, until he went to the doctor, and eventually figured out that he had 16 developing kidney stones. NO JOKE. He quit cold turkey after that.
You probably won't die, but it IS possible to get caffeine dehydration and die if it builds up in you to toxic levels (not really hard to do). So keep a phone with you so you can call a ambulance to take you to the ER in case.
Or just don't do it... lol!
all depends on what kind you drink.
If it doesn't kill you. Probably make you really sick.
I think its dumb but do what you want.
I had a friend who drank 3 monsters, 2 redbull's, 1 rockstar, and 2 jolts in 3 hours and he went into a coma, not like a regular one but basically he got sugar high...and got really sick.
SO, i don't recomend that you do that.
seriously dont
unless you are extremely stupid, ive seen stuff like that on the news where some stupid teenager drinks 10 vaults then goes into a coma then dies
no. =))<3