If the socialized medicine plan goes into effect, won't it hurt those that voted for Obama the most?
It seems that those people on welfare and other Democrat-initiated free giveaway programs will lose their health care coverage before those that can afford to pay their own bills.
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Yes, if you stop and think about it, it would. But don't tell them because, first they won't believe you and secondly they'll just call you a stupid lying Republican, let's just hope they never have to find out for themselves!
do you know what socialized medicine is? You guys ask these questions, and use words like "socialized" because it is scary and frighting but do you know what it means?
If we were going to a Socialized plan ( which we are not) would mean everyone is covered.. so by the very definition of that, how would it be possible for the poor and " free giveaway"programs loose their heath care...when in a socialized plan everyone gets it?
First of all con -it's NOT socialized medicine. Secondly, people on welfare are already covered and wouldn't loose anything. Third, you obviously have no idea what your talking about.