Why are so many Americans ignorant when it comes to our Constitution?

But I bet 3/4 of the people here could tell me who Brad Pitt is dating.


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They don't teach the US Constitution anymore in public schools. When they do, they bend it to fit their liberal agendas.

Further proof we need to dump public schools and go private.


I'll start with this link.


Notice the statistics given with regard to the general public and its knowledge of civics and that the general public knows more than elected officials, well we can see that. Day after day and time after time you here presidents, senators, representatives, governor, and mayors refer to our government as a Democracy. Its a Republic. Democracy appears nowhere in the U. S. Constitution nor in any of the State Constitutions. We have a Republic. It is no wonder our nation is in such turmoil. Our leaders know less than the public and the public knows nearly nothing of our system of government.

Looking at article two of the U. S. Constitution we see that the states are required to choose electors to represent them at the electoral college vote. States can use what ever method they choose for this choice. Even though people now vote for president in every state it is simply because that is the method chosen by each state in accordance with article two. If it doesn't out rightly state it, this feature in the Constitution indicates a couple important things. First there was never any intention or need for people to vote for president. That is because of the second. The president doesn't (isn't supposed to) represent the people. People are to be represented in Congress. The president is to represent and protect the Union and its Constitution. Even if that is contrary to what the people want. Every president whom has represented the people has violated his oath of office including the current president. The president is an Attorney-in-fact for the Union. Not the people and not the states. The Union. States are represented to the federal government by their Attorneys-in-fact, Governors.


the constitution is not something that is brought up that much in our society. But a big star like Brad Pitt is. The average person is just not into social science. But they love following the pop stars and movie stars.


I am ashamed of the lack of knowledge of our Constitution-and it is a problem with the schools-but it is also a parenting problem. Just because your child goes to school doesn't mean they are learning what you think they should. Parents need to shut off the TV or video games and sit down with their kids.

But aside from the mass of people who are not involved in politics-don't you think the freakin President would have read the Constitution? Where in our Constitution does it say that health care is a right? Or education? Or taking over private companies? Or wasting tax payer money on cash for clunkers? Or giving our money to Brazil so they can drill for oil?

I can forgive the people who have to work 2 or 3 jobs to put food on the table for not knowing what is going on or not having time to brush up on History, but the politicians? It is their job to read our founding documents and apply them! Pathetic.


This sad truth has to do with the values that the American culture holds to be important. Because most americans would consider themselves free, safe, and for the most part at least somewhat prosperous they don't really care. It is when a person feels either hungry, oppressed or in danger that they begin to care about their rights. Unless those conditions are met not many will care to fill their heads with such heavy things and would rather focus on the little inane celebrity gossip and television shows. Sad isn't it.

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